Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Market Daily: Reader Input Wanted

I have extensive experience performing quantitative analysis using artificial neural networks.

My idea is to design a semi-automated daily stock market report letter that you can access through the site's fluid design--I feel that if I'm performing the analysis anyway that I might as well share.

I have several questions about this and would love your input about any ideas you would like to see implemented.

Meanwhile I have a few questions:

  1. What legal hoops do I need to jump through, i.e. how do I ensure that I am not held liable if someone claims they loose money based on the quants' analysis?

  2. If I could give you the maximum amount of information I can within 10 seconds, what would you like to see? How would you like it presented?

  3. What sections should I implement? For example, should I have a front page for overall market, a page for blue chips, and a page for penny stocks?

Thanks for your input. I will post a link to the site once I've implemented a reasonable number of features.

Submitted May 20, 2014 at 02:26PM by cooperstevenson http://ift.tt/1oc3Xx0

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