Friday, August 29, 2014

GOOG announces Project Wing, delivery by drone

Google Inc. (GOOG) has jumped into the fray with other tech giants, including, Inc. (AMZN) with plans to launch product delivery drones of its own. The company's Google X laboratory is developing drones under the name of ‘Project Wing’ and they will be used to make doorstep deliveries. Google X is also working on other ambitious projects, such as Google Glass, and self-driving cars.

The search giant reported that it has been working on drones for the last two years, and that it could still be years before the unmanned vehicles are able to deliver goods on a daily basis. A video was recently released showing a drone delivering goods (candy bars, dog treats, cattle vaccines, and water) to a farmer in Queensland, Australia. More than 30 successful flights have been made in that area.

Submitted August 29, 2014 at 09:46AM by StockJock-e

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