Saturday, November 26, 2016

My first plan

I'm 22 years old, fit, daily excersize, healthy diet, but I don't work. I get food stamps, collect SSI and I'm yearning to be a big shot so I've come to the stock market for some help. Now, to make some perspective clear, I'm starting off with very small gains of 5%, 8% maybe per a stock. I see myself as being fairly intelligent and having so much unused time on my hands I could probably make the stock market work well for me. I get SSI and food stamps- my check is 733 but after my rent and cost of living my remaining cash on hand is 180- thats why 5-10% gains on low-cost stocks are good for me. My plan is to invest 20-30 a month, and if someone on craigs list responds to my ad for under the table landscaping, I'll take $5 of every $10 I make and invest it into stocks as well which means hundreds invested in stocks every month.

The way I see it, theres a few trends that I can positively say will certainly give me a return on my investment. This is something that can make me use my brain, understand how all this civilization works- pick up a magazine at win-dixie and scroll through, see what companies and what names keep popping up in the magazines over a period of months- do online research and see the worth of their stocks. Judge and weigh according to my understanding.

I love history and psychology and to me this is sort of a path to making it a field of expertise. So to those experienced stock holders, I've already opened my account with Tradescott and on check day I'm running to their office and I want a detailed in-depth sit-down with these stockholder firm people and hopefully find the right council for this.

Submitted November 26, 2016 at 08:49PM by arachnaeoccult

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