Monday, November 20, 2017

To all the new arrivals here, welcome to r/stockmarket!

Hello there investors and traders!

Welcome to r/stockmarket!

We have had a big influx of new arrivals in the sub over the past few weeks, so I thought it would be good to have a little refresher on the direction and goals of this most glorious of subreddits!


I used to be an extremely active daytrader, when I discovered reddit, r/investing was the sub I went to immediately. I posted a lot of daytrading and short term content, like technical analysis, which as you can guess, got crapped on by all the long term investors. ;)

In order to silence my heresy, the old mods of r/investing made me a mod there, thus making me have to respect their rules and stop posting my silly daytrading ideas.

I started posting in here as I saw enough room to have both short and long term material on that little website called reddit.

I am not a very active trader anymore, I have shifted into more long term strategy, but I do see r/stockmarket continue to be a place where both long term investing and short trading ideas can shared.

You all see u/bigbear0083 post a lot of material every week, he has been doing an amazing job at keeping great content on the front page, thank you from all of us!

I speak to him and u/WittilyFun fairly often. The mods here may not post as much as the most active members, but they are always busy behind the scenes! Thank you for the hard work mods! We all appreciate it!

The mods and I ask you all to help monitor the quality of the posts being made, and help direct new arrivals in the right direction.

On the topic of new arrivals, I really want to see the community here reach out and help the countless newbies that arrive here every day.

I know some of the questions sounds stupid to many of you, but remember, we were all new at some point!

It can get repetitive, but if you see a newbie question, instead of downvoting it away, please try give them a useful answer. Many of the new arrivals are scared to ask questions that they have not been able to find suitable answers for on their own. Your help can make a big difference in getting a new investor or trader on the right path! Give them 10sec of your time to get them going in the right direction, those 10sec you spared can lead to years of profitable involvement in the markets!

Spam and lazy posts:

As we grow, we are all seeing more spammy and lazy posts here.

Spam is obvious most of the time, if you see a post with a link leading to some suspicious blog, its most likely spam. Simply report it as such and a mod will come along to take care of it.

Lazy posts are on the rise!

A lazy post is either just a link to an external site with no comment, or a self post with nothing but a title and then a link to some other site, with no other commentary or content. If you are taking the time to post something here that others will find interesting, please be sure to explain why in the post before tossing in the link to an external site!

I have seen a few people post to their own youtube channels, personally I do not mind as long as the topic of the video is relevant. I for one will happily support individuals who are creating worthy content, as long as no subscription or fee is required to access that content.

Again, a warm welcome to all the new arrivals!

Please feel free to give some suggestions below about how we can further improve r/stockmarket!

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 04:39PM by StockJock-e

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