Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm doing a live interview Sunday 6/1/14 at 8PM about trading!

If anyone is interested in watching, I am doing a live interview about how I became a profitable active trader w/ the guy who taught me most of what I know, and it's free to register. We're gonna chat about some of the struggles I went through when I was first learning to trade, my background/experiences, how my trading strategy has changed over time and things I've learned, etc. Since I always get a lot of questions about my strategy both in my "stocks I'm watching tomorrow" posts here in /r/stockmarket and via PMs I thought y'all might find this useful and wanna come by and watch!

Here's the link to register!

Hope to see some of you there :)


Submitted May 30, 2014 at 04:44PM by greenbartrading

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