Saturday, January 31, 2015

When do you think the Fed will move to hike interest rates? Poll within.

okay so i just thought to whip up this quick poll on here to see where most of us are at as far as rates are concerned here in the u.s.

i'm very curious to hear where some of you are with you thinking for when we will see the first fed rate hike here ...

vote & and post your vote and if you'd like to chime in with your rationale please feel free to add that to your post here on this thread as well as it is most certainly welcomed and encouraged!

here is the link to my web poll-

and here are the results of the poll-

since i am the creator of this web poll i will go ahead and do the honors of voting first...

i went with q4 of 2015 for the first fed rate hike ... contrary to popular belief (the belief of the talking heads that is...) i do think we will finally see the first raise in rates in the second half of this year 2015 ... i think extending it out another year or two is really just pushing it imho

what say you redditors of this here stock market subreddit?

i'm really looking forward to hearing some good feedback on here with this ...

i hope that poll link i posted above worked for you guys :)

Submitted January 31, 2015 at 03:06PM by bigbear0083

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