Friday, July 31, 2015

I have been reading about the Economic collapse 2015. I wanted to hear everyone's opinion on this. (I am a market noob who just started investing)

I just recently started investing into the stock market and I am VERY new to it. So far I am seeing a decent return which is nice. Anyways, I was reading some business articles that were mentioning the "Economic Collapse 2015". This piqued my interest in the matter and I began investigating.

I am very skeptical of what web articles have to say because I feel they exaggerate the idea of the collapse to raise interest in the article. I wanted to reach out to a trusted source, fellow redditors! Any opinions you guys have or any advice to safeguard my investments would be greatly appreciated.

Here are some sites I have read so far:

Submitted July 31, 2015 at 10:34AM by BriguyNet

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