Sunday, January 1, 2017

How to know when a company will IPO and how to buy as soon as the public can?


The direct question: How do I know when the company I'm interested in investing in is going to IPO, and can I use ETrade or Robinhood (or whatever) to purchase that newly IPO'ed company's stock as soon as I possibly can?

The context: I work in IT. I see what technology works and what my peers recommend. We talk when we train with other people from other companies and countries. We talk amongst ourselves about crypto-currency and other neat ways of making money in this still-pretty-infantile age of tech. I've watched a couple companies in the last few years go public, and I was encouraged by their initial success (though one value has tanked considerably since). But what I haven't figured out yet is -- how do I know when XYZ company is going to privately IPO, exactly? And is getting in on the public IPO different than just buying that company's stock the next day? Or, do I have to take some steps to get in on the "public" IPO?

My intention is to invest in stock that I think is going to make a respectable incline when it IPOs. I'm not expecting to get rich. I'm not putting retirement money in. I'll even be a little surprised if my hoped-for outcome happens.

I've learned that getting invited to a private IPO is like getting tickets to the SuperBowl, so I know there's no chance I'm going to be able to get in on the private IPO of any of the companies I'm interested in.

I've googled and I've searched this and the investment forum. There are general "signs" that happen prior to a company's IPO -- I get that. But I don't want to know that. I know this company I'm interested in is probably going to IPO this year and maybe soon. But how the hell do I know exactly when and how do I get in on it as soon as a pleb like me can?

Submitted January 01, 2017 at 11:25PM by graydoll

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