Thursday, July 19, 2018

What are some good cheap stocks that pay decent divedends?

I just opened up a robinhood account a couple weeks ago with no prior history in investing. I just read about how some stocks pay out dividends and would like to know which ones are the best? I just bought 2 shares in ORC today and I bought a share in GE and 2 shares in JCP when I first opened my account. I don't want to spend more than $20 a share yet, because I'm just starting out and I'm not really willing to put a lot of money in the market until I fully grasp everything. I'm basically just trying to learn as I go right now. Also, should I sell my shares in GE and JCP since I don't think they pay out dividends or should I keep them?

Edit: Also, how exactly does ETFs work? Are they pretty much something you invest in and just let sit? Are they almost guaranteed to keep growing or what? Thanks for any advice you guys give me.

Submitted July 19, 2018 at 10:15AM by maddengod73

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