Monday, May 8, 2017

Help! I'm in a Stock Market Sim challenge and need just a bit more to win!

Hey guys! I'm really quite new here. In my financial literacy class, we've undergone a stock market challenge on We started off with 10k, and I've managed to get myself in the #5 slot at 10,259.74. The #1 is at 10,535.90. I initially took it as a joke and invested in things such as Marlboro and Budweiser just for kicks, but over the past couple weeks I've actually grown to like it. That said, there's been a bit of a friendly rivalry between the top numbers of us, and I have to say, winning this could be a fun way to finish out my last year. However, to do that, I need to make a few hundred bucks to beat out #1. And I have very little clues on how exactly to do that. Here is some important info I've learned while playing:

In this sim, the waiting the three days or however long to complete a transaction doesn't exist. I believe it's closer to about ten minutes.

On top of that, the sim displays fifteen minute delayed data, meaning I can effectively look at my phone for day trading and get better deals with essentially 15 minute future vision. It's made me a decent bit of money.

I can't think of anything else important, but if needed I can answer pretty much any questions. I'm hoping to put this on a couple subreddits to get the most help I can.

TL/DR; With all this said, what do you guys recommend to make about $400 by Thursday with essentially only day trading?

Submitted May 08, 2017 at 10:54AM by RoloReign

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