Thursday, November 30, 2017

Should I buy bitcoin

I have enough money to buy one bit coin maybe even a couple. I know it’s going to go up in value but I don’t know if I should buy one and sit on it. What does everybody think? Also, I don’t know shit about investing so how would I buy stocks of this? What websites do I use? I want to get started in getting some stocks of bitcoin or something because I know it’s going to be valuable

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 10:12PM by davielondon

I'm 22 years old and I know just the basics about the stock market. Do you have any suggestions of what I should learn (and eventually master) first?

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Submitted November 30, 2017 at 07:45PM by GandChar

DISSONANCE by Till Nowak

from Vimeo Staff Picks

If the market went belly up tomorrow and we had a 21st Century Great Depression, what would be the safest investment?

If the world went to hell-hell-in-a-handbag tomorrow and the US turned to riots in the streets and Great Depression style market crash, where would you put your money to prepare for it and why?

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 03:04PM by sassmo

Nazaré - Big Wave Surfing by jamie hancock

from Vimeo Staff Picks

The Polaroid Job by The New York Times - Video

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Is baba still a good buy? For the long term

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Submitted November 30, 2017 at 01:16PM by josephsander

$OSTK Inexplicable day

Does ANYONE have a clue what is going on with overstock... soaring past few months, then a massive plummet past 5-6 days. I am aware they are affiliated with blockchain, but with bitcoin reaching the record 10k it seems to have zero effect on overstock. Regardless, I cannot find anything on the internet about whats been going on. Up to 64 6 days ago, now sitting at 45 WTF

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 01:58PM by skateboarder3021

Short Selling

So I just recently learned this was a thing, however i'm not so sure how it works and the knowledge center at scottrade was no help. It's my understanding that short selling is when you sell a stock that you do not currently own and receive the money at the current share price and then at a later date have to buy the same amount of shares and pay an amount based on the current share price at that time. So basically its how you make money off of a company when you think their stock will drop.

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 02:01PM by the_mountaingoat

TECH had a correction today... and here are 3 things I think that caused it

Posted this on another sub, and we got some good discussion going, so thought we start the conversation here too.

So this is all my opinion obviously - no one knows exactly why the tech sector took a big poop today, but what we can do is analyze the market and figure out what could have caused this to better hedge (or diversify) ourselves for next time. If you don't want to read this wall of text that follows, you can watch the video here:

1) Profit Taking - it's almost the end of the year, and stocks have had a great year thus far, especially tech stocks. Some like $NVDA are up about 100% on the year. Some like $MU are up even more than 100%. Going into the Holiday season, a lot of investors (especially the big boys) tend to take time off, travel, spend time with family and friends, etc - but they want to rest easy and thus start scaling out their positions. I'll admit it's a bit early for this, but if a few of the big players decided to sell today, it could have triggered a bunch of algos to sell as well, causing the big "panic sell" that happened which caused a lot of stocks to drop 5%, 10% or more.

2) Sector Rotation - this happens every once in a while. Back in June we had a day where tech had a big drop (similar to today), and we saw financials start to rally on big volume. A lot of investors (again, the big boys), took their money out of tech and put it into financials as there was a lot of good news surrounding banks at the time. I believe something similar happened today - if you look at the volume on the QQQ (nasdaq) and XLF (financials), you can see they both had a very heavy volume day. QQQ to the downside, and XLF to the upside - in fact XLF even gapped up at open and made new highs. But if you dig a bit deeper, you can see that there was a lot of bullish action in XLF and in tech (both QQQ and individual picks) for longer term calls - so this leads me to think that it was just a investors taking money from tech, and putting it into financials, and then when investors who focus on tech stocks saw this dip, they picked up huge call blocks on tech stocks as well (because fundamentally, nothing changed with any of the tech companies to justify this big of a drop).

3) Tax Reform Vote - this ties in with my previous point. Banks would benefit greatly from a tax reform, and the "big boys" threw a lot of money into financial stocks and XLF in preparation for this vote to be a success and have it pass. I think this, in combination with the 2nd and 1st point is most likely what happened today as we prepare for the big vote tomorrow. This was essentially the market pricing in tomorrow's decision in anticipation of it passing. But once again fundamentally, this doesn't really affect Tech stocks in particular (if anything, if the bill fails, it affects all stocks, so all sectors should have dropped today).

I also found it funny how the DOW made new ATH today. All the more reason I believe this was just a temporary shakeout, and we will be back to ATH in the near future. For me personally, I went from about 90% cash, to about 5% cash, as there were too many opportunities to pass up on. I believe fundamentally we are still strong, and that this dip is temporary. But please do your own DD as well! Happy investing :)

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 11:42PM by blackdragon1299

Unpresidented by Magic Square Films

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Google Finance historical data gone?

Does anyone know what happened with Google Finance's historical data pages? If you check for historical prices for any stock, it just directs you to a simple snapshot/summary quote page now.

The daily historical price tables are gone. It was working fine yesterday.

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 03:48PM by cacio0

If I want to learn to trade where do I start assuming I know nothing?

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Submitted November 30, 2017 at 10:42AM by deadby100cuts

Semele by Myrsini Aristidou

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Pretrade question

Hi everyone, If pretrade of a stock shows positive increase - is that usually an indicator to buy when market opens? Is there any sense to this?

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 06:56AM by kalaalo

As a college student who just started investing, I am looking to place my money in stocks and primarily mutual funds to grow my savings long term. I have invested in one mutual fund that has done well in only a couple months. Looking to diversify, what are some other good mutual funds long term?

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Submitted November 30, 2017 at 02:14AM by InformMeBruh

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Where to Spend Your Bitcoin

These days everyone is talking about Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency has undergone a dramatic climb of more 1000% in a little over a year and many believe that this is just the beginning. Were you one of the lucky ones who bought a few when they were 50 cents? Ok maybe not, but even if you bought a few months ago you’d still be sitting on a respectable 100% return. In this article I will point out a few places where you can spend your Bitcoins as if they were real money. has partnered with Coinbase to allow customers to pay with Bitcoin. In an ever evolving retail market it is important for retailers to remain on the cutting edge of customer satisfaction. allows customers to pay for goods at checkout by selecting the pay with Bitcoin option.

Expedia Expedia is one of the world’s largest travel booking sites in the world. They also joined with Coinbase and have been offering customers the option of paying with Bitcoin since 2014. For now, you can only use Bitcoin to book a hotel through Expedia. They hope to soon expand the Bitcoin payment method to flights, car rentals and activity bookings in the near future.

Shopify Shopify is an ecommerce platform that enables merchants to set up their online shops and sell to customers. In recent years this platform has seen a surge in use. Part of this surge in use may be due to their Bitcoin integration. Bitcoin provides instant settlement times as well as zero dollar fees. Many entrepreneurs these days conduct business internationally and Bitcoin provides them a quick way to move funds.

Jeremy McDonald [

Submitted November 30, 2017 at 01:00AM by ShiftSignals

Question about Day Trading

I’m not sure if I should post this here, but here it goes. I’m brand new to the world of investing I’ve recently invested in bitcoin, but now I want to take a shot at the stock market. My plan is to start a new checking account with about $500-1000 in it. Whatever I make or lose will be used the next day until I’m a billionaire or until it’s empty. I’ve looked at some websites like etrade, and I believe it costs about $7 to buy stock. Are there any other options where you can avoid the fee or have a minimum fee? Also if this is the wrong subreddit can someone point me in the right direction.

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 10:31PM by Bigolebutter47

What's going on with Games Workshop? LON: GAW

What's up with GW stock, I did a quick google and it's showing it's dropped from around $200'000 to $2'000

Is this some weird glitch?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 10:35PM by Joldroyd

Should I buy CERC tomorrow?

Should I buy CERC tomorrow?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 06:10PM by merlo-the-bus

LRCX is currently a screaming buy. and if ur interested in PYPL. today is ur day

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Submitted November 29, 2017 at 03:36PM by charlesray4200

NB# presents Parallax by New Balance Numeric

from Vimeo Staff Picks

RSYS - will it recover or be delisted?

I invested in RSYS a few months ago while looking for a tech stock on the decline. It's now trading under $1. Should I cut my losses and get out before it's delisted?

I'm in tech and can't even figure out what the company does at this point. They've moved to the software and services business. I only knew of them from when they made server hardware many years ago. Lesson learned I suppose.

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 04:04PM by webdeveler

If you knew stocks would rebound tomorrow, what are you current bargain picks?

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Submitted November 29, 2017 at 04:30PM by charlesray4200

Bitcoin Session

Hello all, I just want everyone's opinion of Bitcoin. Good, bad, or ugly let me know your opinions. Try and be courteous to others but what does everyone think about it?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 03:56PM by robcale3

Let’s talk about the tech stock...

With this week’s crash for tech, what’s the likelihood of a bounce back and when’s the soonest it would happen?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 03:56PM by ladygaladriel95

Or noir. by Florian DKS

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Going in on APRN: decent idea or terrible mistake?

Just so we're all on the same page, this is my perspective as someone with about a months worth of learning the basics of the market and about a weeks worth of time with money in the system. In short, I have no idea what I'm doing.

So, blue apron hit the market in July at $10.00 and has plummeted ever since. I've seen a trend in small companies that blow up seemingly overnight, where they'll launch, drop extremely quickly, and then bounce back a decent bit over the next few months/years.

My question to the people that know what they're doing is, if I dump around $100-150 on it now when it's at $3.00 a share, can I expect to make a decent return? Or is my money going to evaporate before my eyes?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 02:33PM by issamememyguy

La peau sauvage - Wild Skin (2016) by Travelling distribution

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Opinions on whether a Bitcoin crash at its current scale will hit the markets hard?

I have a hunch the answer is no, as most of the institutional investors are/were still ~6 months off jumping in, but surely when the bubble pops it will have an effect.

Anyone else considering liquifying their assets?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 01:35PM by -Burrito-

To the noobs.

Buy PayPal , MU , and SOXL today when you find a point where they relax a bit. Buy AMD , and sell at tomorrow's 11.25 open. Happy fucking holidays on this beautiful day.

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 12:32PM by HISTQRY

Micron Technology? (MU)

I want to know everyone’s opinion on that. Is that really an investment to consider?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 12:07PM by Primerebirth

One of the leading trading websites is giving away a live funded trading account with 1,000USD

Hi all, I just wanted to share with you my fascination with how some profitable traders are willing to give back to the community. Giveaway link

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 11:55AM by RSIdivergence

Interested in starting to learn all about the stock market and investing in general, where should I start?

I am very interested in learning more about the stock market and investing in things and I was hoping that you guys could offer any advice to learn more about it and how to get started. Thanks!

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 11:34AM by MrKrebZoid

Happiness by Steve Cutts

from Vimeo Staff Picks

LZB going to either fall off a cliff or climb a mountain!

If you’ve looked at the last 4 earnings reports for LZB you can see for all except for one we have had either a significant increase or decrease in the stock price immediately after the earnings call. Tonight after close comes 3q reports. Anyone hear anything positive or negative? Given record breaking Black Friday/Cyber Monday, one would assume many retail companies would boast some good numbers

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 10:41AM by YoungSinatra5

Hello, noob here. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to invest in ISPs due to the net neutrality repeal.

I am not from the US so my knowledge is very limited but following the recent events it seems like there is nothing stopping net neutrality from disappearing. My simple brain comes to the conclusion that this is only positive for companies like Comcast or Verizon so it would make sense to expect their value to increase right?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 10:06AM by MostOriginalNickname

My Father's Tools by Wapikoni mobile

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Graduating Community college with $40,000 /yr salary in IT... how can I use 40k to invest?

I'm single male and have a $40,000 /yr salary in basic IT networking. Not sure if they have a 401k option for me but i want that...

other than that. What trading platform,broker, and organizations should I be talking to to start short term and long term portfolios ? I'm not looking for a quick rich scheme... just want to secure my money for the better before i turn 30 in 8 years.

and where is the proper place to REALLY LEARN the terminology and where can I practice?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 04:59AM by zeroXzeroTWO

What's next?

I don't have many people to discuss investments and future ideas with. So I'm curious, what are you hearing about being the next, or next next big thing that should be looked at to invest in now?

Tech? Marijuana? Crypto Currency? What's gaining popularity or is on the verge of?

Submitted November 29, 2017 at 02:42AM by UnicornRidinLeprekon

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

thoughts on buying ethereum right now?

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Submitted November 28, 2017 at 10:01PM by jbider

Anyone want to talk about death?

I've been thinking about the aging demographics of North America and am thinking about investing in funeral homes. Park Lawn Corp is the only publicly traded company in Canada and they seem to be expanding heavily into the US. The company has been around for quite some time though but their P/E is over 30.

Whats everyones thoughts on this industry? Seems like it could be a good one for a 4-5 year hold.

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 07:33PM by DPH_NS

Canadian teenager looking to invest for the first time.

Hello I am a 17 year old Canadian currently living in Toronto. I started by trading virtual items in video games for a profit which I have worked up to over $5000 CAD. I am looking to mature my investing strategy into the stock market, but I am not really sure where to start. My parents are with Scotia Bank, but I am not sure if I have my own bank account there, and I am not sure what online broker I should use. Any help is appreciated!

EDIT : grammar

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 04:03PM by oCorvus

Charles Schwab BLOCKED ME TODAY after I told them about terrible service. They wouldn't execute my market orders hours, even days, after submitting orders. I got pics of the time stamps. had no idea they would freak out like this so now i'm gunna make it a big deal. withdrew all money except $0.01

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Submitted November 28, 2017 at 04:05PM by charlesray4200

It's Not What You Know by Aaron Abrams

from Vimeo Staff Picks

First time investing?

When did you first start investing and with how much initial money? What were some of your strategies?

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 02:52PM by King3391

IS $GNC getting acquired?

I cant seem to find information on this, but it seems a bunch is brewing up about it?

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 02:04PM by Mlbphilly77

7 Battered Stocks Set to Rebound in 2018

Super noob here. Just saw this post showing 7 companies that should be on the rise next year.

If I don't have a lot of money to invest, say $100-300 bucks. Would it be a good idea to buy some of these?

One of each?

A bunch in just one?

Looking for recommendations.

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 11:23AM by Jmac91


from Vimeo Staff Picks

Pattern day trading help - where is the limit?

OK so I understand I'm limited to no more than 3 day trades per 5 day consecutive stretch... Here's my trades of $SQ

Nov 27th - sold position Nov 27th - bought position Nov 27th - sold position Nov 28th - bought position Nov 28th - sold position

is that 2 day trades? 2.5? If I bought now then held for 5 plus days am I OK? If I buy and sell does that lock me down at 3 and I'm limited for 90 days? Or can I hold at 3 and do no more?

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 12:46PM by challengeruk8

Books on Volume Trading and how it impacts price

An6 reccomendations on books that relate to volume trading in the markets and indicators to look For? Also other book reccomendations are more than welcome. Thanks

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 12:11PM by Trees-and-Pizza

The Stock Market- Online markets and services

11.28.17 Hi guys! Just giving an update on everything because I haven't been on in a while. I bought 20 shares of Best Buy last week. Yestarday, I sold the shares with a profit of $2.10 per share. Also, wasn't the Tesla event something to remember! The semi looks amazing and so does the new roadster. I sold 15 shares at $315.05 for a profit of about $13 dollars a share, earning back what I have lost from Tesla a week before. However everything is looking pretty good. Also, I'm beginning to invest in online businesses such as Amazon and perhaps Best Buy again because of the upcoming holiday season. Do you Redditors recommend any safe stocks to invest in short term and long term? What about ETFs?

Much appreciated, Jeffrey

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 11:31AM by jeffreyma1219

Have 10,000$, I am starting college in January. ETF or Individual stock(s)

Hello everyone! This is my first post on this sub. I have been doing as much research as possible the last 2-3 weeks on stocks, ETF’s, Mutual Funds, and about anything I can read. Like I said I am starting college in January and would like to turn this 10,000$ into a decent bit more after 5-7 years. I would like to pay a decent bit of my student loans off from this investment. I am lucky enough to be great with money and have saved all of this up after starting to save last January. Would appreciate the advice on if I should do stocks. I am leaning a mix of Nvidia, Amazon, AliBaba, MU, and Microsoft for stocks. I am very technologically inclined so that is why I chose these. For ETF’s there were a few Semi-Conductor stocks such as SOXL, TQQQ, and SPXL that have caught my interest. Any advice for a noob trader?

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 10:36AM by aztecs30

The art of flying - 2 min version by Jan van IJken

from Vimeo Staff Picks

College Students looking to begin trading

tl;dr: Friend introduced me into Stock market and where do I start?

I recently had a friend introduce me into robinhood and had told me about all the investments of someone turning 100 dollars into 20k in a year or something very similar to that. So I chipped in an invested 50 dollars into robinhood, but havent done anything outside of penny stocks. Having no knowledge on stocks and only reading the book "How to Day Trade" by Ross Cameron, does anyone know what is the best place for me to start to learn how to work the stock market?

Such as using techniques to find the right stock to invest in, reading candlesticks (which I am starting to recognize only the bull and bear flag patterns), and if it is possible to do this with only $50 invested

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 09:04AM by SpokenWordOnDaStreet

Orbit International

Orbit International (ORBT) announced that its Electronics Group has received a new purchase order for its displays, from a major prime contractor on a major aviation program, for approximately $1.1M.

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 09:55AM by SueBid

I have $2000-3000 to invest into anything. Any advice?

Im 17 years old and I have been "investing" in multiple stocks over the past few years (through my fathers vanguard account). I'm lucky to have invested when I did because the market has been doing well since then, but I was only investing in big companies (FB, AAPL, AMZN, etc) that were well known for positive returns in the past. I have recently sold everything and have between 2000-3000 dollars to invest. I also have a job and plan on investing around $100 of my paycheck every month.

My dad recommended that I invest in ETF's or to save up enough to buy a mutual fund and slowly add money as I please. I am also interested in investing in multiple stocks or a mixture of individual stocks, ETF's, and or a mutual fund. For the individual stocks I was thinking about BABA and SQ, but only because i've heard people talk about it on here.

I have little to no experience in investing and was wondering what you guys think. I do not mind investing over a long period of time especially since its such a little amount of money. Keep in mind that I am going to add around $100 a month.

Other (somewhat unrelated) Questions I know that you can't "time the market" but will the passing/failing of the tax bill severely effect the market? Is it best to invest before or after the outcome of the bill? (more of an opinion) Will net neutrality have an effect as well? Should I look at investing in ISP's?

Thanks for your time!

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 09:18AM by TheSecondTriumvirate

Hello I have some money I want to invest around 35k I'm planning on splitting it into different stocks..

What is a realistic profit I can expect from 35K? if it's 3% that would be around 1000$ a month...I'm interested in doing monthly transactions ....

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 06:25AM by RevolutionAmerica

OPINION: Further Upside for Constellation Brands

This is an expansion of a former post I had on Constellation Brands. Sorry for the repetition but this is a more thorough analysis. Promise, no repetitive posts in the future! :)

Constellation Brands (STZ) is a Fortune 500® company and a leading international producer and marketer of beer, wine and spirits with operations in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, New Zealand and Italy. Constellation is the third-largest producer and marketer of beer for the U.S. market. The company’s high-end, iconic imported brands include Corona Extra, Corona Light, Modelo Especial, Modelo Negra and Pacifico. The portfolio also includes Ballast Point, one of the most awarded craft brewers in the U.S. In addition, Constellation is the world’s leader in premium wine, selling great brands including Robert Mondavi, Clos du Bois, Kim Crawford, Meiomi, Mark West, Franciscan Estate, Ruffino and The Prisoner. The company’s premium spirits brands include SVEDKA Vodka, Casa Noble Tequila and High West Whiskey.

The company’s fundamentals are strong! As of the most recent quarter, the company’s market cap is $42.57 billion with a forward P/E ratio of 23.57 (A good sign; level P/E ratios common in mature industries like this; Beta of -0.01) compared to an alcoholic beverage sector average of 23.27 and an S&P 500 average of 23.28. Their revenue amount to $7.46 Billion. Organic net sales rose 8% to $2.07 Billion, beer segment sales increase 12.8% to 1.38 Billion, wine and spirits sales fell 11.7% to 705.6 Million, and they improved adjusted earnings guidance to $8.25-$8.40 per share from $7.90-$8.10. This is their 12th straight earnings beat and 17th consecutive quarter of year-over-year improvement (40% increase at $2.47 per share). So how does STZ square up to competitors? For this analysis, I will be looking at Constellation Brands (STZ), Diageo (DEO), Brown-Foreman (BF-B), Molson Coors Brewing Company (TAP), Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD), and The Boston Beer Company (SAM). I will also very briefly mention Campari (CPR-MI), Remy Cointreau (RCO-PA), and Pernod Ricard (RI-PA) for further comparison within the industry.

Constellation Brands is most efficient in its operations, effective in management, and consistent in performance. Let’s first look at each company’s revenue per employee (independent variable) and operating margin (dependent variable) …

STZ: Revenue per Employee - $828,418 Feb 28, 2017 (Operating Margin = 33.76% August 31st, 2017) DEO: Revenue per Employee - $489,858 June 30, 2017 (Operating Margin = 29.50% June 30th, 2017) BF-B: Revenue per Employee - $630315 April 30, 2017 (Operating Margin = 33.34% July 31st, 2017) TAP: Revenue per Employee - $368679 December 31, 2016 (Operating Margin = 36.60% September 30, 2017) BUD: Revenue per Employee - $258,383 December 31, 2016 (Operating Margin = 28.92% September 30, 2017) SAM: Revenue per Employee - $617,890 December 31, 2016 (Operating Margin = 15.43% September 30, 2017)

Source: Y Charts

Although TAP’s operating margin is superior to the rest of its competitors with data given so far, STZ maintains the lead in terms of superior operating margins in correlation with revenue per employee (BF-B comes close but revenue per employee falls short while SAM’s operating margin is the worst in comparison even though revenue per employee is close to that of BF-B). This illustrates that STZ’s labor and operations efficiency is the highest. It is worth noting that operating margins for Campari, Remy Cointreau, and Pernod Ricard also fall short of STZ and even that of BF-B so these are not in consideration (especially taking into account that they trade on European Stock Exchanges and are subject to currency exchange risk; DEO is subject to these risks as well but the security is traded on US stock exchanges). Let’s now look at revenue and earnings of each company…

Constellation Brands (STZ) 2015 - Revenue: 6.03 Billion, Earnings: 839.30 Million 2016 - Revenue: 6.55 Billion, Earnings: 1.05 Billion 2017 - Revenue: 7.33 Billion, Earnings: 1.54 Billion Diageo (DEO) 2015: Revenue: 17.01 Billion, Earnings: 3.88 Billion 2016: Revenue: 14.02 Billion, Earnings: 3.16 Billion 2017: Revenue: 15.65 Billion, Earnings: 3.60 Billion Brown-Foreman Corporation (BF-B) 2015: Revenue: 3.13 Billion, Earnings: 684 Million 2016: Revenue: 3.09 Billion, Earnings: 1.07 Billion 2017: Revenue: 2.99 Billion, Earnings: 669 Million Molson Coors Brewing Company (TAP) 2014: Revenue: 4.15 Billion, Earnings: 514 Million 2015: Revenue: 3.57 Billion, Earnings: 359.50 Million 2016: Revenue: 4.89 Billion, Earnings: 1.98 Billion Anheuser-Busch InBev (BUD) 2014: Revenue: 47.06 Billion, Earnings: 9.22 Billion 2015: Revenue: 43.60 Billion, Earnings: 8.27 Billion 2016: Revenue: 45.52 Billion, Earnings: 1.24 Billion The Boston Beer Company (SAM) 2014: Revenue: 903.01 Million, Earnings: 90.74 Million 2015: Revenue: 959.93 Million, Earnings: 98.41 Million 2016: Revenue: 906.45 Million, Earnings: 87.35 Million

Source: Yahoo Finance

The only company to maintain a consecutive uptrend in BOTH revenues and earnings is STZ. In fact, in the past five years, STZ's stock price has failed to increase, per quarter, only three times. TAP is the only company on the list that ends up at a higher revenue and earnings level compared to the first year but considering that it has no consecutive earnings beats compared to STZ whose beat earnings 12 times in a row, consistency comes into question. Finally, let’s look at 5-year stock performance…

STZ: 518.39% DEO: 16.94% BF-B: 67.68% BUD: 33.64% TAP: 92.16% SAM: 57.30% RI-PA: 48.92%

Source: Y Charts

Evidently, Constellation continues to outperform all its competitors for the past five years and beyond. Many comparisons between STZ have been made against DEO and BF-B but from the data above, DEO seems to be sluggish and inefficient based on its operating margins and revenue per employee while BF-B, although a close contender, lacks consistency in performance (BF-B's stock price has fallen eight times in a quarter-to-quarter comparison in the past five years). But what could explain STZ’s superior performance and growth?

Looking at the 10-year chart, STZ (excluding SAM) breaks out from the rest of the companies in comparison around 2013 with the pace quickening near the end of the 1st half of the year. Around that time, the company completed its acquisition of Grupo Modelo’s U.S. Beer Business from Anheuser-Busch InBev for approximately $4.75 Billion. The acquisition nearly doubled company sales and significantly increased EBIT alongside free cash flow, helping solidify Constellation's position as the #1 multi-category supplier for beer, wine and spirits in the U.S. at the time of the acquisition. Furthermore, Constellation entered the tequila game early with its acquisition of Casa Noble Tequila in 2014 for only $30 Million. Compare this with DEO’s later acquisition of George Clooney’s Casamigos Tequila brand (respectable brand but not on the level of Casa Noble and a little late not to mention expensive; makes STZ’s tequila play a massive bargain in comparison) for approximately $1 Billion earlier this year and one can see why STZ is where it is now. These are arguably pivotal moments in the company’s history as their blockbuster Corona franchise is America’s best-selling premium import and the company alone was responsible for the 60% of the growth in the high-end beer category last quarter (this segment expanded by 9% over the past six months). Furthermore, Modelo, not Corona, led the beer portfolio higher by posting a 20% spike in consumption for the last quarter.

There is reason for concern when considering their wine and spirits segments, however, and recent acquisitions in the craft beer space. According to the company, wine and spirits sales fell 11.7% to 705.6 Million which is worrying especially considering the company’s recent acquisitions of Charles Smith and Prisoner wine brands. These acquisitions are further put into question with the acquisition of Ballast Point in 2015 for $1 Billion and expansion into craft beers (to make matters worse, the company alongside others making similar moves such as BUD are facing negative sentiment from the craft beer community). For example, after BUD’s purchase of Wicked Weed Brewing, many brewpubs and craft beer festivals cut ties. Furthermore, negative trends in the craft beer space led STZ to take a $86.8 Million impairment charge on the Ballast Point’s trademark value to $136 Million and the need to further write down the value more and more could grow. In other words, it looks like the company overpaid for Ballast Point, especially considering that the acquisition of Grupo Modelo only a few years ago cost approximately $4.75 Billion and the return on that investment has proven life-changing for STZ. However, despite these facts, the fact that Charles Smith alongside other new brand launches including Buddha Funky Brewery, acquired this past August, helped contribute to the most recent earnings beat and raised the bottom line is encouraging. Regarding their acquisitions in the craft beer space, although the price tag for Ballast was a little high, the move marks STZ’s overall strides to expand their presence in the high-end beer market and although their focus should be more on Corona, etc., this seems to have been a necessary move. Acquisitions to fuel strategic growth is a strong characteristic of the company and so far, they have been making the right moves for the most part and will do so going forward. But what is there to prove that they are making the right moves? Their debt-management.

A major concern for the company is their debt load and just recently, STZ priced in $2 billion in new debt as of Oct 31st, 2017 which closed on November 7th. So evidently, debt-management comes into question. Okay, so at first glance the debt situation looks bad but let's dig a little deeper...

So, although STZ's debt is rising, their debt-to-equity ratio is decreasing. Back in 2015 around the beginning of the second half, it was about 1.224 and now it's resting at about 1.129. In short, their equity is rising faster than their debt can keep pace and instead of focusing on dividends and distributions back to shareholders, they're keeping profits on the balance sheet. And their management under Rob Sands is excellent so these profits are getting reinvested to fuel smart and strategic expansion of potential economic profits. The style of debt they're using is old-fashioned, but it is working for them. The share price is a testament to this superb management and a result of the company putting its profits to work. Take another look below…

2015: Net Margin % - 13.92% | Financial Leverage - 2.62 | Return on Equity 15.61% 2016: Net Margin % - 16.11% | Financial Leverage - 2.59 | Return on Equity 17.11% 2017: Net Margin % - 20.94% | Financial Leverage - 2.70 | Return on Equity 22.83%

Source: Edgar Online Database

The reason for the overwhelming rise in equity is due to improving net income margins. While many companies are achieving this at the expense of increasing leverage and thereby risk, STZ has made improvements in the right areas. According to the data above, financial leverage for STZ increased by just 3% in three years and was not a significant contributor to the increase in return on equity. Compare this with its peers and STZ’s results look even more impressive. For instance, in the case of Anheuser-Busch (BUD), the return on equities has dipped despite an increase in leverage and risk. Therefore, excess returns from higher return on equity with minimal increases in risk (leverage), when peers are failing to do that, should support further expansion in STZ's earnings multiple. So, knowing the story behind this debt alleviates any concern regarding the company’s debt and, in fact, recent news of more debt is encouraging with management intact.

Now that the case for STZ against its competitors is made, let’s evaluate the intrinsic value of the company. For this analysis, a discount rate of 8.49% 5 Year Cash Flow Forecast

Levered FCF (USD, Millions) 2017 - $776.90 (PV $716.08) 2018 - $901.10 (PV $765.53) 2019 - $1,520.55 (PV $1,190.65) 2020 - $1,848.81 (PV $1,334.35) 2021 - $2,145.00 (PV $1,426.92) Discounted (@ 8.49%)

Present value of next 5 years cash flows: $5,434

Terminal Value

Terminal Value = FCF2021 × (1 + g) ÷ (Discount Rate – g) Terminal Value = $2,145 × (1 + 2.47%) ÷ (8.49% – 2.47%) Terminal value based on the Perpetuity Method where growth (g) = 2.47%: $36,487 Present value of terminal value: $24,272

Equity Value

Equity Value (Total value) = Present value of next 5 years cash flows + terminal value $29,706 = $5,434 + $24,272

Value = Total value / Shares Outstanding ($29,706 / 172)

Discount to Share Price Value per share: $172.71

Estimate of Discount Rate

The discount rate, or required rate of return, is estimated by calculating the Cost of Equity. Discount rate = Cost of Equity = Risk Free Rate + (Levered Beta * Equity Risk Premium) Discount rate = 8.49% = 2.47% + (0.8 * 7.53%)

Estimate of Bottom Up Beta

The Levered Beta is the Unlevered Beta adjusted for financial leverage. It is limited to 0.8 to 2.0 (practical range for a stable firm). Note the market value of equity is used not the book value ($43,044,787,154).

Levered Beta = Unlevered beta (1 + (1- tax rate) (Debt/Equity)) 0.608 = 0.531 (1 + (1- 30%) (20.79%)) Levered Beta used in calculation = 0.8

It is important to note that any type of DCF calculation is subject to significant variance depending on discount rate and growth rate. The discount rate is based on the cost of equity since the perspective is from the viewpoint of a potential investor so cost of capital (Weighed Average Cost of Capital/WACC), which accounts for debt, is not used. So clearly the intrinsic value is not up to par with my bull thesis of the stock. In fact, for the past two years I’ve been analyzing the stock, the DCF model has concluded STZ is overvalued yet the stock has continued to climb. I believe this is the case because DCF is a highly quantitative technique and therefore does not fully reflect changes in non-financial information. The company is simply making too many moves that the valuation can never keep up and full current potential is not being realized. So, what does the company have going for itself moving forward that is justifying further upside?

First, CEO Rob Sands makes it clear in the most recent earnings call that distribution growth is anything but at its highest potential due to retailors dedicating too much shelf space to low-margin, low-growth brands. Evidently, the velocity on STZ products are much higher than its competitors in terms of the high-end beer market and therefore the point Sands made in the call was that retailers are beginning to assign more shelf space to Constellation’s portfolio as they realize higher margins and growth can be unlocked, benefiting both sides. With that said, the full potential of STZ is yet to be realized implying further growth ahead.

Second, the company is beginning to reap the financial benefits from its multiyear investments aimed toward boosting Mexican brewery capacity and added efficiency to its glass production, spending which peaks over $1 Billion this year, as part of an $4-billion-plus total investment. Capital spending should slow significantly from here, though. Constellation Brands is expecting over $1 billion in annual free cash flow beginning next year, compared to the $775 million it expects to generate in fiscal 2017. That will result in larger amounts of free cash flow that can be directed toward bigger beer and wine brand acquisitions, accelerated share repurchases, and a rising dividend. This increase in growth and repurchasing of shares should point further upside while attracting more equity as the stock brings in more income investors with a higher dividend.

Third, STZ announced plans to debut its newest additions to the Corona franchise this upcoming February: Corona Premier (domestic markets) and Familiar (all major Hispanic markets). This is an excellent move for two reasons: 1) 66% of net sales consisted of beer segment sales which increased 12.8% to 1.38 Billion with Mexican beers leading the charge behind this massive growth and therefore makes the focus on Mexican beers like Corona paramount, and 2) the company states that 55% to 60% of all beer sales occur during the first half of the year so the fact that the new beers will debut near the beginning of the first half is optimal. With the Corona franchise already exceeding expectations and test markets showing approval so far, expect further growth and dominance in the high-end beer market, arguably their strongest segment.

Fourth, a recent 9.9% stake purchase (~$195 million) in Canopy, a world-leading provider of medical marijuana is another effective and early move reminiscent of STZ’s moves into the high-end beer market through the Grupo Modelo acquisition and tequila through Casa Noble. Both those acquisitions have paid off immensely and no doubt this move into the weed industry will prove successful as well. And although this initial investment may seem small, the company has options to buy more shares at a later time. This move comes at a time when approximately 27% of beer drinkers have already substituted beer with cannabis while BUD and TAP are already trying to secure sole licensing rights in Nevada to distribute cannabis. The move by Constellation therefore is clearly an effort to secure Canadian distribution before legislation is passed requiring cannabis be sold and purchased through a government licensed distributor which would cost significantly more. But legalization is the trend with recreational marijuana already legalized seven states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Washington) alongside Washington, D.C. Increased legalization of recreational marijuana will equate to lower beer and spirits sales, so this is a smart move. The question of legalization is not “If” but “When” and soon, many if not all, of the other states will follow and the cannabis market is expected to hit a lofty $50 billion by 2026, according to Cowen. More importantly, Constellation is going to work with Canopy Growth to develop cannabis-based drinks for its customers who already purchase wine, beer and spirits made by the company. In states like Colorado where recreational use is legal, cannabis-based drinks are booming. By working with Canopy Growth, Constellation goes from a triple threat (beer, wine, spirits) to a quadruple threat. This investment should continue to fuel STZ’s growth as it enters a potentially explosive market in the coming years.

Finally, Senate Republicans are proposing significant excise tax reductions for wine, liquor, and beer. Only downside is it would only last two years, so the Republicans are proposing extensions (Would begin December 31, 2017 to December 31, 2019). This would be the first distilled spirits tax reduction since the Civil War if approved. Some examples of how reductions would work (Potential $130 million generated from this throughout the industry, will be reinvested back into businesses which is good for investors) …

Beer: $16/barrel – First 2,000,000 barrels, $18/barrel - 2,000,000+ Small brewers: $3.50/barrel - First 60,000 barrels, $16/barrel - 60,000+ Spirits: $2.70/gallon – First 100,000 gallons, $13.34/gallon – between 100,000 and 22,130,000 gallons, $13.50/gallon - 22,130,000+ Wines: $1.07/gallon -14% alcohol content, stronger wines increase with alcohol content, $13.50/gallon - 24% alcohol content (Sparkling wine at $3.40/gallon) Increases lowest taxable increment of wine from 14% to 16% (Sparkling wine will be taxed in line with still wines) Reduce Excise Taxes: $1/gallon – First 30,000 gallons (produced or imported), 90 cents/gallon - next 100,000 gallons, 53.5 cents/gallon - next 620,000 gallons

Source: CNN Money

Although this is more speculative and there is no guarantee that this proposal goes through, if these tax reductions are realized then the potential for additional upside would increase as this is not necessarily priced into the stock itself. To put this into perspective, STZ paid approximately $730.1 Million in excise taxes for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2017 so any savings that can be realized from excise taxes would be a boon to not only STZ but the alcoholic beverages industry. But under superior management and efficiency in operations, this tax relief should be of more benefit to STZ than its peers.

I will not provide a price target as such is not in my nature to do so. And statistically, this stock would not count as an undervalued security as the relevant P/E and P/BV are not below 15 and 1.5, respectively. Furthermore, the DCF model shows that STZ is overvalued but considering all points mentioned and that the stock has continued to steadily rise over the years above its peers, I am expecting further upside fueled by its promising future growth prospects.


If you would like a more brief analysis of the security and other insights, please check out my YouTube channel/Seeking Alpha Blog.

YouTube (I am still experimenting with my videos but I will try to include more significant analysis in my videos as the opinions of this subreddit are valuable)

Submitted November 28, 2017 at 04:57AM by seoul_investor

Monday, November 27, 2017

サマタイム(Summer Time) / 東郷清丸 (Official Music Video) by furifurisoshiki

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Bitcoin-related stocks rally as digital currency zooms toward $10,000

No text found

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 01:41PM by SueBid

[2000+ words Lesson] How to read candlestick charts like a pro?

I have written this post over understanding candlestick charts with ambient example.

Would love to have your feedback on it.

Here is link to my post, How to read candlestick charts like a pro?

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 01:04PM by idurvesh

Square! Sell or hold?

The recent prediction by BTIG has caused it to drop significantly today. But am i the only one hopeful of a Hold? Or its time to dump it? Not sure if any other analysts have the same outlook.

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 12:52PM by Waitwhonow

BAA pump n dump?

Tomorrow is earnings release. This company sucks. One of their mines has no road access because militants took it over. Company may go bankrupt if they don't open the mine. Buyer beware! (Good short opportunity probs)

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 12:30PM by jkazwundrman

CASINO, Steven Woloshen by Vidéographe

from Vimeo Staff Picks

NexOptics (NXO) - A company to watch for in 2018

This is a company i invested in about a year ago and truly believe will do great things. They have redefined the lens stack for camera imaging. More information can be found on them here;

an article was recently put out regarding their new ventures with Gadi Amit;

Take a look and see what you think.

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 11:24AM by PastaArmzzz

Parasitic endeavours (2017) by Simon Christoph Krenn

from Vimeo Staff Picks

The Monolith by Angelo G.

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Combining investing and programming, I built a tool to parse and process sec stock holdings data

I posted this to r/algotrading and figured the people here might like it too. The program collects 13f filings and puts them into a .csv format for ease of readability. A 13f filing is just a list of the long positions an investment company holds, it is updated on a quarterly basis. This way you can compare the long stock holdings of different companies on a quarter to quarter basis.

This is still a work in progress so just let me know if you run into issues or problems. I have run instructions on the github page or you can just maven package the files into a jar and run the jar-with-dependencies.

Everything is open source and documented so you can have a look at the code yourself if you would like.

Also, I know this works on linux/mac, I'm not so sure about windows.

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 08:37AM by watchinthreads

College student looking to invest $1000

I already am heavily invested in crypto’s but am looking to diversify in something more safe. If I want to buy some stocks and hold until at least mid 2020, would it even be a worthwhile investment with such little to start with, or should I just go all in on a few crypto’s and not really diversify? If yes to the stocks, how would you diversify that $1000 for the long term? I guess it’s worth noting that losing it all won’t ruin my future at this age.

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 08:01AM by dcdub6

Stock Market Closing Bell 27 Nov 2017- Money Maker Reserch

No text found

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 05:50AM by dixitrahul

Oil Trades Near Highest in More Than Two Years Before OPEC Meets

Oil traded near the highest close in more than two years before OPEC meets this week to discuss extending supply cuts.

Futures slid 0.4 percent in New York after rising 1.6 percent Friday to the highest since June 2015. OPEC and Russia, a partner in the deal, have crafted the outline of an agreement to extend curbs to the end of next year, according to people involved in the conversations. In the U.S., drillers targeting crude added nine rigs last week, according to Baker Hughes.

Submitted November 27, 2017 at 01:20AM by ayoubafandy

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Bitcoin rockets past $9000; quickly approaches $10000

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 11:09PM by bigbear0083

¿Does anyone know what are these symbols?

I mean these symbols, I don't know what they are, but I think they are related to something about some companies.

BTW, I'm asking cause I have a homework where one of the things I have to do is explain what those symbols are, but they didn't explain anything, not even a hint, and I'm a computer science student, so I thought it was better to ask what are these symbols here.

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 08:03PM by AllahuAkbarSH

What's the best and what's the worst trade you have ever made?

🏦🏦What's the best and what's the worst trade you have ever made?🏦🏦

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 06:55PM by merlo-the-bus

7 Reasons To Trade The FOREX Market.

Although Forex trading is not as popular as stock, futures and commodities market, it is far more powerful than any other kind of trading or investments, since it is now open to the public. It is not a closed market anymore.

More and more savvy investor and entrepreneurs are shunning traditional financial markets, like stocks, bonds and commodities and building their fortunes in the foreign exchange (forex) marketplace.

The reason why they are turning to the all electronic world of Forex trading is its numerous advantages over any type of investments. Even if you are an experienced Stocks or Commodities trader you will discover how powerful the Forex is.

You can make $200 to $3000 in less than 30 minutes of work everyday. Forex Trading is much less risky than trading currencies on the futures market, much more profitable, and a lot easier, than trading stocks. Why should you trade the forex market? Here are the reason why...

1) The forex market is open 24 hours, it never sleeps. You can enter a position, or exit whenever you want, whenever you are six days a week. You do not need to wait for the opening bell like if you was trading stocks. it is excellent for you as you choose the best time for you to trade.

2) The daily trading volume of the Forex is around $1.5 trillion dollars It is 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. This means that 1,498,574 skilled traders could each take 1 million dollars out of the FOREX market every day and the FOREX would still have more money left than the New York Stock would have daily!

3) You profit in both raising market or falling market. You have equal potential to profit in both a rising or falling market, because it' s up to you to buy a currency, or to sell it, after you determined the market trend tendency.

4) You can trade from anywhere. If you like to travel, this is a dream business, you just take your lap top with you and that' s it, you can make money from anywhere in the world, all that you need is to be sure that you can access an Internet Connection.

5) The leverage is considerable. In fact, you don' t need a lot of money to trade forex, it is recommended to start with $2000, but you can start with $300, then if you have a proved strategy, your investment will grow consequently, as you can trade up to 200 times your investment. You can trade 100,000- unit currency lots with as little as 1% margin, or $1,000. there is no comparison with the stock market where you need a big amount of money to start, if you want to see real profits. And beside that, you need to post 50% margin.

6) Price Movements Are Highly Predictable. Price movement or highly volatile in the forex, however, the foreign currencies market is moving in trends, and you can identify these trends - as they repeat in cycle- with the technical analysis.

7) No commission fees. Unlike the stock market, brokers don' t take commission on transaction.

To trade forex, you don' t need to have a lot of money to start; you can trade at any time, from anywhere, with a Internet connection, you will not have an order pending because of lack of liquidity, you will not have to work all during the day.

The forex market has many advantages over the other traditional investments, and for sure, it will give you more freedom, and more money.

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 05:23PM by ayoubafandy

OY "MADE OF LOVE" by Moritz Reichartz

from Vimeo Staff Picks

$TREE - Lykosen's fundamental analysis

Hello /r/stockmarket! This is the fundamental discounted cashflow analysis of the company "Lending Tree", an online platform loan service. The article is based on my own model.

I continue my work on publishing some of my analysis here on /r/stockmarket with a second article. Last one was $SQ, which at the time of the article was @39 (13th nov 17) and now, with some market realization, is valued @48+ USD, a raise of 23% rounded down. As financial technology is my favorite sector, I keep working on screening the modern companies in the overarching sector. Sadly, I lost many hours of work in a computer crash where I analyzed bottomline technologies, so in frustration I left them. Like with everything I do, this is 100% about fundamental analysis, and 0% technical. I am a fundamental growth investor, searching for companies which the market underestimate how much it's worth its valued at.

Lending tree is a company ran and founded by CEO Doug Lebda. The company is an online platform loaning business, holding an online and mobile app marketplace for loans. These loans include many kinds, listed:

Home refinancing
Home purchasing
Personal Loans
Home equity loans
Auto loans
Business loans
Credit cards
Reverse mortgage
Student loans
Credit score (free)
Debt consolidation
Credit repair
Auto insurance
Student refinancing

Their application is highly ranked on IOS, holding a rating of 4.9, which yes, is a valid metric in this day and age. They have over 6.5 million users for their services, and generally has lower fees than competitors.

Fundamental basics
The company has currently at the time of writing a stock price of $301, and a market cap of 3,6 billion. It is currently sitting on net cash 114 million, and is profitable making 27,5 million in 2016, giving an earnings per share of 2.15. They achieved profitability in 2015 and have seen amazing growth since then.

Revenue and prospects Last quarter they held a revenue gain of 81%, along with a expense increase of just over 115%. This shows explosive expansion as a growth company, even if the expansion is not sustainable. Their guidance for the februari annual report is 46 to 50%, and my model assumes this growth to be maintained year to year throughout 2018. Lending tree holds a strong gross margin (revenue vs COGS, Sales and marketing) of 28%, and an operating margin of 9-17%. This is very low as of the market, but not bad compared to the industry.

Lending tree holds a origination volume of 28 billion in 2016, up from 17 billion in 2015. However, this increase is most probably not substansielle as they only increased their volume by 1 billion between 2014-2015. Going up against competition like wells fargo (249 billion @ 2016) who is the by far market leader, with Bank of america @79 billion, LoanDepot @38 billion and flagstar @22 billion. Whats strong here from Lending tree is how they are ignoring the swings of the market. Even on the years where the total US origination volume has gone down, Lending tree has maintained the same growth, gaining them market cap.

Here I will list my assumptions of the fundamentals of the company. If you wish to get the full model these numbers are based on, feel free to PM me! I assume that the gross margin is maintained throughout time, at 28%.

Revenue gain will be roughly 57% in 2017 according to the company guidance, which seems more than resonable as the revenue gain year to year Q3 2017 was 81%. The model then assumes 54% revenue increase in 2019, then keep letting the growth fall, being year to year 38% in 2022, all the way down to 20% in 2028, to then drop down into the negatives by 2033.

R&D costs will be maintained, however general and administrative costs will raise, keeping roughly the pace with revenue, as is fair. The model also assumes taxation of 30%, constant, as well as a maintained but slightly lowered operating margin, 1-3% lower than 2016.

These assumptions, along with a infinite maturity of 3% after 2033 (ie. they will lose 3% of business until bankruptcy), as well as a discount rate of 8%. The discount rate is a combination rate, standing for risk/opportunity cost. These assumptions and predictions puts the net present value at 4,36 billion, giving the evaluation of $365 per share, a 21% upside to the current stock price. Personally I consider this evaluation very fair.

Finale & risk analysis

The company is very troublesome to evaluate, and more risk is added. The growth is incredible, but they are most certainly paying for it in raw cash. Their margins are being maintained hard by the very high revenue growth, and along with that both their market share and potential is raising fast. If they maintain this revenue growth by investing as much as they are right now, and then stop, while maintaining the gained revenue, they will be a very very profitable company. There comes a lot of risk along with it though, not only from themselves but their competitors. Them being profitable after 2015 does so much for them, so they can strengthen their balance sheet which is crucial for a lender. My model assumes an average net profit gain of 47% per year from 2017 to 2025, then 17% from 2026 to 2030, and -45% after that to 2033. This is based on the modeling, and seems very plausible.

As a tech company in a sector that only now holds the advancement that tech gives, there is tons of upside vs its competitors. Look up their application, website and online services. I have experience in the tech development business aimed at private sector and individual, and it looks very strong.

Conclusion summary

It is a risky investment, however, as they are profitable, the downside is not very big while the upside is very big baring additional growth speed. This makes it a great investment in my opinion, if you are looking for a high beta, growth financial company for your portfolio. I am buying the stock at market open at the 27th november 2017. What I see is a loan square. A company that takes an old concept, business payment for square and loaning money for lending tree, and beating competition by having technology and applications that make them so user friendly. Amazon, Square, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Netflix are all examples of companies that have had the same idea in different industries, and it is very possible considering growth that Lending tree will be one of those companies in a few years, even though it is far from certain. Technical convenience is king.

Some things to watch is:

  • If they increase their operating margin even a little bit, they will gain immense profitability.
  • If they increase their guidance for 2018 in the annual report, it is a good sign. If they r revenue growth by 5-10 percentage points (60% y/y), between 2017 and 2018, assuming the same decay over time, my model would put their evaluation at twice the current price, with 220% upside. So additional revenue growth gain will be a huge catalyst.
  • If they are unable to lower their operating expense, they will become unprofitable once again fast, over just a few years.
  • Their competition is very very strong. Be aware.

I hope you enjoyed this, I´ll love to discuss and answer questions!

If you enjoy this post and want to see more, please help improve /r/stockmarket! Hit it up with some Due diligence of your own, and it's more than repayment.

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 02:04PM by lykosen11

Resynthesis - Max Cooper by Kevin McGloughlin

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Noob looking to invest in retail outlet...

...Specifically JC Penney. I know the ask is at $3.26 after a great nosedive in the past, like, year. I also know even their bonds have been plummeting fairly recently (though I don't yet quite understand how that part might come into play as far as an indicator of future success). I see a lot of reports saying sell, and a couple saying hold. I also have no idea how much trust I should place in the sources of these reports, at least in terms of having enough evidence to pretty much flag a security as a total money pit.

On a scale of newb to noob, how much of an idiot am I for thinking JCP might actually bounce back and be actually a decent buy, partly considering its the holiday season?

Submitted November 26, 2017 at 01:10AM by Rooster__Cogburn

Saturday, November 25, 2017

How much money would you have to invest in Apple to see any returns?

I am curious as my cousin has just decided that he wants to start investing a portion of every one of his pay checks into Apple stock. I think that it could be around $1000 per month or so. That being said, what would the best case scenario be for him? I personally don't think that this is the best idea as I was of the opinion that he would have to invest A LOT more to see any returns on his investment even in 10-20 years especially this late in the game.. but maybe I'm wrong. Any input is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 10:04PM by EternityOnDemand

Any investment services you recommend?

I'm considering buying an investment advisory service. Anyone have any recommendations? High Dividend Opportunities is one I'm looking at.

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 05:22PM by Moveover33

What do you think of Riot Blockchain $RIOT?

Will it go up the next week?

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 04:50PM by Diegonox

Blockchain Plays

Hi all, I just wanted to share some of the big Blockchain plays with you guys. I'm up over 300% in the past 2 weeks because I went all in on Blockchain technology companies.

I feel that the frenzy has just begun. I took some profits already, but I am now in it for the long haul.

Blockchain technology has been tested by all of the big banks (with 100% accuracy) and is the next big thing. Blockchain will save significant amounts of money and time for multiple sectors.This is why I feel like there is much more room to grow. We're just getting started here.

I am really digging the super small market cap of DPW and the 77% revenue gains it experienced in the 3rd quarter. After market saw this jump up significantly in price and there will be a continuation of this Monday morning. This is my pick for Monday. But I also believe there is much more room to grow for Mara, Riot and Grow.

Just have a plan and don't get greedy with these types of plays. Me personally, I'm going long , but I could see some major pullbacks towards the end of the week. Proceed with caution.

Thank you

Edit: I forgot to mention the fact that Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin are all at or around all time highs currently, which makes these plays that much more desirable.

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 03:13PM by Enebula

I shorted MARA yesterday


Submitted November 25, 2017 at 01:42PM by merlo-the-bus

Is Now the Time to Buy General Electric Stock?

Hi All:

I am considering investing in GE stock as a long-term investment. I want to hear if you believe this a wise decision.

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 12:33PM by Spence-

What are some stocks you're watching in December?

So let's get some discussion going, what 3 stocks are you watching/buying in December? November is almost done, so let's look forward to the final month of the year! Anyways, Here's my list:

  • Tencent TCEHY - huge earnings last Q, passed 500B cap, and Skype recently got banned in China... So this is better news for WeChat and Tencent. I think once more money starts flowing into this stock from US investors (I think this has already begun if you watch the video below I go over this) this will push it much further and we could be looking at the next BABA in terms of popularity among investors.

  • Ebay EBAY - this is a big one for the holiday season. EBay has had good growth over the years and this holiday season should be no different. However what caught my attention was the graph - which has come down to test some uptrend support and the 200 day MA I believe. Good buying opportunity imo for a swing play in December.

  • Ferrari RACE - this took a hit after earnings after guidance wasn't as good as investors expects, and the unveiling of the Tesla roadster scared some investors too. That being said, this has gapped down and found support on the 100 day MA as well as the uptrend support - and if you look at Friday, it's beginning it's rally back up to fill those gaps. Good stock for December as I feel we will make new ATH soon here once volume picks up again.

I have a position in all 3 of these. Tencent is a long term hold that I keep adding to whenever I can, and the other 2 are more swing trades (they caught my attention earlier this month in the 5 stocks im watching weekly series I do). For those interested, I made a full video going over my reasoning (fundamental and technical) so be sure to check it out for more info and drop a like:

Have a great weekend and discuss!!

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 12:54PM by blackdragon1299

Herman Miller: Ward Bennett at 100 by Dress Code

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Most anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning November 27th, 2017

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 08:44AM by bigbear0083


Is there any good reason to buy SPY instead of VOO?

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 08:52AM by thranetrain

The Piñata King by Tripod City

from Vimeo Staff Picks



Submitted November 25, 2017 at 05:08AM by masia15


"STRAIT TIMES INDEX( STI): ARE THE CHARTS FAVOURING THE BULLS.....??" Trading Tips On Your Whatsapp. Sign Up "Hurry Up"

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 05:19AM by masia15

How is $DQ spiking up 33% in the last 5 days? Did something happen?


Submitted November 25, 2017 at 12:03AM by william_the_prophet

Friday, November 24, 2017

Bid price shows 0x20.78, how can there be zero of any price?

PBF energy on my TD Ameritrade app shows the above. What's that mean?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 05:39PM by jbockinov

500 MILES by Heroes and Horses

from Vimeo Staff Picks

RIOT predictions

I'll be honest, when it was at $9 I didn't think it had any potential. Now it's at $22 and I decided to buy some shares.

What do you guys think of them?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 04:38PM by MGRaiden97

Explain In-The-Money Option Prices?

I'm starting to learn options and one thing I can't figure out is why in-the-money options can sometimes be more expensive than the open market?

For example, at around closing today I could've bought GE for $18.19 and then sold the covered call GE 12/8/17 18 C for $0.45.

Doesn't that mean someone was purchasing the right to pay $18.45 for shares they could've gotten at $18.19? I've got to be misunderstanding how this works, right?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 03:57PM by JLeeSaxon

Begineer stock advice

In what inervals should you buy shares in so that when it comes to selling it does not make it difficult? Are intervals of 5 or 10 alright? Odds okay?

Are Intel and TD a safe investment for the next 2 or 3 years?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 02:52PM by King3391

How to trade in futures market?

The futures market offers the opportunistic investor the option of using small amounts of their own money to control large amounts of products, including gold, currencies, and agricultural commodities.

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 12:18PM by ayoubafandy

Is it the right time to invest in crypto or have I missed the train?

If you ever though about investing in crypto but didn't you should read this article:

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 11:34AM by cryptomani4

Index fund or ETF?

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Submitted November 24, 2017 at 10:05AM by BraKali

AMD guidance

I'm in this buisness and marketing club called DECA at my school and one of the events I'm doing is a realtime stock trading event. I start with $100,000 and can do what ever I want from there.

I've invested in some stocks and one of them is AMD. I bought 1000 shares at 11.39 and it does not seem to be going up. I'm really iffy on if I should keep it or sell it. I've heard the rumors that it going to be bought by samsung soon.

My game ends 12/15/17 and that decides if I go to the international competition. Top 25 go and I'm currently 14th. What should I do???

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 10:33AM by XNavigator

SEATREKKING -Trekking the Ocean by Cedric Schanze

from Vimeo Staff Picks



Submitted November 24, 2017 at 06:47AM by masia15



Submitted November 24, 2017 at 07:00AM by masia15

Thursday, November 23, 2017

The CPI report for October showed the first acceleration in inflation since January. With the labor market tightening, we may see more inflation in 2018. That would hurt tech stocks. What are your thoughts on tech and inflation?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 12:32AM by timemoneycom

Stock Volatility

Can someone explain stock volatility to me? What does it mean for a long and medium term investment strategy?

Submitted November 24, 2017 at 12:43AM by dakolson

Question for you

So over the past 2 years I have really gotten into the stock market. My dad and his best friend were both heavy investors and got somewhat rich off the rise of AAPL.(they brought a decent amount of shares somewhere in the late 90’s).I am in high school and own real and fake stock. I have made $33,000 in 10 months on my fake stock account. So anyway I have to start looking at collages and what courses I would like to take. And I thought to myself if I’m not bad at investing, is there anyway for me to go on a path through college to maybe work for a brokerage house later down the line. Is there any colleges that any of you would recommend that you know have programs to peruse my goals.

Also I’m not sure if this is the most appropriate subreddit to post this question on... if there is a subreddit that you would recommend to post this question on please leave it in the comments...


Submitted November 23, 2017 at 08:16PM by steeleyjack2

Stock broker in the making.

For a soon to be stock broker,what's the essential literature I NEED to see. I already have 'For what it's worth' by Eugene Kelly.

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 02:13PM by jbot00

Ratio of Fundamental vs Technical Investors

I've been wondering lately if there is any data out there on the ratio of fundamental vs technical investors. Does this provide insight into who is pushing a stock price in one direction or another? Does it vary depending on the stock, the exchange, etc.? Looking forward to hearing opinions here and direction on where there might be related data.

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 01:55PM by DirtyRedHat

Delphi by Søren Peter Langkjær Bojsen

from Vimeo Staff Picks

The Internet is under attack. This is the Battle for the Net. by Louis Wesolowsky

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Thoughts on Nektar Therapeutics and huge gain?

What does everyone think of additional huge gains for Nektar Therapeutics? Up nearly 100% over the past month? More room to soar?

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 10:26AM by RiseofthePharmD

Happy Turkey Day!

The stock market is closed today in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday here in the states. The markets will also have an early closing tomorrow (Friday) at 1pm eastern.

From all of us here at r/StockMarket we want to wish all of you and your families and friends a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Enjoy the turkey! ;)

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 05:58AM by bigbear0083

STZ - Weed Industry Exposure and Potential Reductions in Excise Taxes

Hello everyone!

So I have observed STZ for many years now and am currently invested in the stock. Excellent company in terms of fundamentals and I think they're making the right moves in terms of their acquisitions especially Ballast Point. However, their move into the weed industry and a potential reduction in excise taxes proposed by Senate Republicans is promising for a further movement to the upside, in my most humble opinion. Here are the links regarding these pieces of news...

Weed Industry Exposure:

Potential Reduction in Alcohol-related Excise Tax:

I also do some very brief analysis in this video as well:

What are your thoughts on these recent moves by Constellation Brands? Would love to hear both the opinions of the bulls and bears. And no, I do not know what Melissa Lee is wearing today...

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 07:00AM by seoul_investor

Stock market institute in Delhi

If you are looking for a good stock market institute, share market classes, then Join ICFM – Institute of career in financial market is One of the best stock market Institute. ICFM is a Leading stock market training institute provides Financial Market Education in India, best trading training institute for improving your stock market knowledge & implement your strategies. Get funds (2 to 10 Lacs) For Trading. Take Away 60% to 80% Profit You Earn. To get more information Call now! 9971900635

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 07:52AM by icfminquiry

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Ringgit higher against US$ - Business News | The Star Online

We Provide Live Signals. #MalaysiaNews #FOREX #COMEX #SGX #KLSE #DailySignals. For More Information Please Visit Here:

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 12:04AM by Maisa15

Who gets there first? AAPL or BZUN?

AAPL is just below $175 right now. It's in the beginning stages of it's current super cycle.

BZUN just tanked after ER despite the fact that earnings was not a miss. It's trading around $29.50 right now.

So, who gets there first? AAPL at $180 or BZUN at $35? Why and when?

IMO, unless something spectacular happens this upcoming weekend, I see AAPL trading between $170 and $175 before the Christmas holiday. I don't believe $180 is likely until the first few trading days after Christmas.

BZUN is volatile to say the least. That being said, it's performance could mimic that of the period after the last ER and we could see new ATH by year end. This past Chinese Singles Day is a plus for the stock and so are the upcoming holidays. That being said, I believe a new ATH is possible followed by a pullback before, finally, a positive response from an ER beat.

What are your thoughts?

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 12:32AM by zenitron

Solar Stocks

What is the general consensus on solar stocks on the Street? I’m intrigued by solar stocks’ price point, especially $SPWR. Young investor with long-term investing strategy.

Submitted November 23, 2017 at 12:43AM by simplyme216

There was a 6 week period where European junk bonds had lower yields than US Treasuries. Any thoughts on the cause of that? The ECB recently announced an end date for their QE program which could be a factor.

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 11:09PM by timemoneycom

How do day traders stay successful?

How do day traders manage to stay consistently successful aside from being lucky?

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 11:26PM by Zay703

Opinion on Square outlook?

Do you guys think it is too late to get on the square hype train or does it have more potential?

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 10:14PM by joshua02pd2015

Astrotech- ASTC

Your take on this space company?

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 06:30PM by dakolson

Trading outside of USA

I was looking at Robin hood and apparently I can only try if I'm amiiuurican. Is there any other place to get into trading and pennystocks outside the u s and a?

BTW total noob and trying to get my feet wet about this subject

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 05:14PM by gazorpazorbian

Twitter's stock rallies toward highest close in over 13 months

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Submitted November 22, 2017 at 02:36PM by SueBid

9 Quarter Circle by Victory Journal

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Ecopetrol (EC +2.4%) says it plans capital spending of $3.5B-$4B in 2018, 35%-55% above this year's amount, and expects to post a net profit assuming Brent crude prices of $35/bbl.

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Submitted November 22, 2017 at 01:01PM by SueBid


Bloomberg Intelligence analysts identified 50 publicly traded companies—out of the 6,000 they track—worth special attention because they plan to release significant products and services in the coming year or because they face unusual challenges. To assemble the list, the analysts also considered factors such as revenue growth, profit margin, market share, and debt.

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 12:40PM by ayoubafandy

It Is My Fault by Liu Sha

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Help plox

I’m new to this so roast me if necessary, but I️ don’t get how daytraders, or any traders make money off stocks. E*TRADE for example has a 5$ per stock fee when you trade with them. So to make profit the stock has to grow over 5$ and whatever over 5$ is your profit? I️ feel like I’m missing something crucial here. Thanks in advance

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 09:58AM by Kyaxel

Is trading really this easy

I started with around £300 a month ago and I’ve made about £2000 profit so far. Not gonna lie I’m starting to get scared that this is just “beginners luck” or something and I’ll eventually have one bad trade that’ll wipe me out. But that hasn’t happened yet. Am I gifted or something

Submitted November 22, 2017 at 06:56AM by byouguessedit

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

$MU and $SQ

Both are good companies and have only been growing. I think they will both go up at least a few more dollars. Worth checking out

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 08:51PM by MGRaiden97

$156.48. 22yo. Hero or Zero?

I have $156.48 and I want to put it all in one stock. I am willing to lose it all. It won't make or break my future. Anyone have any suggestions for a stock that could double or triple my money in a years time

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 06:51PM by wyrihat

If I️ have $1000 and I’m 18 what are some good things to invest in to hold for the long term. I️ have more then $1000, just only have a $1000 I’m willing to invest. I’m already invested in a S&P 500 mutual fund.

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Submitted November 21, 2017 at 06:59PM by willvolpe

Besides share price, what other indicators can point to an impending stock split?

No text found

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 04:48PM by Hysterical_Realist

$6.38. 13ry old. Hero or zero

I have $6.38 and I want to put it all in one stock. I am willing to lose it all. It won't make or break my future. Anyone have any suggestions for a stock that could double or triple my money in a years time

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 04:43PM by alright-butthole

Stunning MTB masterclass: Matt Jones | Frames Of Mind by Red Bull

from Vimeo Staff Picks

How much have you made this year on the stock market?

I’m 18 and a new trader, and I’m wondering how much others have made. Please also state whether you’re a long-term investor or a day trader. Thanks

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 12:46PM by byouguessedit

So, I'm in high school doing a project that is a simulation of the stock market. My group has $100,000 to spend. The simulation changes with the real stock market. What should my group invest in to make profit and earn 100% on the project?

No text found

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 02:07PM by TylerD1104

What are all the questions you ask yourself before you invest?

No text found

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 12:23PM by sdkay9o

Fatcula by Martinus Klemet

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Andy Mineo & Wordsplayed - DANCE (You See It) by Voyager

from Vimeo Staff Picks

2018 stoks-AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc.

The world’s largest movie theater operator is facing the double threats of declining audience and the Chinese crackdown on Dalian Wanda Group Co., its majority owner. AMC is betting on cost cuts to make up for lost revenue and theater renovations to attract audiences, but it remains heavily indebted after a spree of acquisitions.

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 11:22AM by ayoubafandy

Diversification of ETFs with single stock of ETF vendor


I'm curious, I have about 75% of my portfolio in iShares ETFs, modeling a sort of Boglehead 3 fund portfolio. I like to purchase single stocks in the other 25%. I'm wondering, is there extra risk involved with purchasing Blackrock stock? From an overall correlation perspective, I could see the ETFs and Blackrock being somewhat correlated, however if the broader market performs much better that Blackrock, or Blackrock somehow goes bellyup, does my portfolio have some extra risk?


Submitted November 21, 2017 at 11:36AM by weh72

$1000. 17yr old. Hero or zero

I have $1000 and I want to put it all in one stock. I am willing to lose it all. It won't make or break my future. Anyone have any suggestions for a stock that could double or triple my money in a years time

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 10:31AM by Qwerty1458

Im in dire need of a mentor.

Currently looking for someone to teach me everything that they know. I am a college student with nothing but 50 grand that I have personally made since I was 16. I don't want to throw it all away, but I really want to start trading.

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 10:23AM by Joncatal95

Handsome and Majestic by Salazar

from Vimeo Staff Picks

This celebrity with 10 Million followers is talking about POT STOCKS!!

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 08:23AM by juzosw

Small Cap & Large Cap Watch List 11/21/17

Earnings season is winding down and that means traders will be looking elsewhere for highly volatile plays. That's what this week's watchlist is here to provide. A list of highly volatile, liquid stocks to trade in both small and large cap categories.

Let's  begin : )

Small Cap:


Large Cap: 


Submitted November 21, 2017 at 06:57AM by toptickers

Can someone help explain this for a stock project I'm working on in business class?

I'm doing a presentation in my business management class. My group chose toyota and because I have an interest in stocks and finance, I thought I'd pick that. Part of my subject being stocks i'm being asked to provide a graph of the last 10 years of the performance fo the stock and compare it to one of the market index. The problem is, I don't know what a market index is or what one even looks like and when i google it i just get extremely confused. SO, i'm hoping that the community of reddit might be able to help shed some light on this for me? Just to explain what a market index is and how to build a visualization of one.

Submitted November 21, 2017 at 05:05AM by RoyalSlop

Monday, November 20, 2017

Need help with sticks

Hey, I’m new to stocks. Just a young man trying to build his new family a successful future. Any helpful advise is welcomed. Thanks

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 10:06PM by immikey1224

Discord server

You have one? Or do you know any good ones ?

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 07:53PM by anythingbutregret

Stock trading for students?

Any platforms (hopefully very cheap) for stock trading to get me started? I have no idea what to do, but I have been playing around with a stock simulator to get an idea of trading. I don't have much money and I know that the market is very high right now and not very good for buying, but I find the concept very interesting.

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 08:09PM by nypato123

What should I invest in if I only have $1000 to invest with?

Looking long term, or day to day trading.

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 05:46PM by macyerks

To all the new arrivals here, welcome to r/stockmarket!

Hello there investors and traders!

Welcome to r/stockmarket!

We have had a big influx of new arrivals in the sub over the past few weeks, so I thought it would be good to have a little refresher on the direction and goals of this most glorious of subreddits!


I used to be an extremely active daytrader, when I discovered reddit, r/investing was the sub I went to immediately. I posted a lot of daytrading and short term content, like technical analysis, which as you can guess, got crapped on by all the long term investors. ;)

In order to silence my heresy, the old mods of r/investing made me a mod there, thus making me have to respect their rules and stop posting my silly daytrading ideas.

I started posting in here as I saw enough room to have both short and long term material on that little website called reddit.

I am not a very active trader anymore, I have shifted into more long term strategy, but I do see r/stockmarket continue to be a place where both long term investing and short trading ideas can shared.

You all see u/bigbear0083 post a lot of material every week, he has been doing an amazing job at keeping great content on the front page, thank you from all of us!

I speak to him and u/WittilyFun fairly often. The mods here may not post as much as the most active members, but they are always busy behind the scenes! Thank you for the hard work mods! We all appreciate it!

The mods and I ask you all to help monitor the quality of the posts being made, and help direct new arrivals in the right direction.

On the topic of new arrivals, I really want to see the community here reach out and help the countless newbies that arrive here every day.

I know some of the questions sounds stupid to many of you, but remember, we were all new at some point!

It can get repetitive, but if you see a newbie question, instead of downvoting it away, please try give them a useful answer. Many of the new arrivals are scared to ask questions that they have not been able to find suitable answers for on their own. Your help can make a big difference in getting a new investor or trader on the right path! Give them 10sec of your time to get them going in the right direction, those 10sec you spared can lead to years of profitable involvement in the markets!

Spam and lazy posts:

As we grow, we are all seeing more spammy and lazy posts here.

Spam is obvious most of the time, if you see a post with a link leading to some suspicious blog, its most likely spam. Simply report it as such and a mod will come along to take care of it.

Lazy posts are on the rise!

A lazy post is either just a link to an external site with no comment, or a self post with nothing but a title and then a link to some other site, with no other commentary or content. If you are taking the time to post something here that others will find interesting, please be sure to explain why in the post before tossing in the link to an external site!

I have seen a few people post to their own youtube channels, personally I do not mind as long as the topic of the video is relevant. I for one will happily support individuals who are creating worthy content, as long as no subscription or fee is required to access that content.

Again, a warm welcome to all the new arrivals!

Please feel free to give some suggestions below about how we can further improve r/stockmarket!

Submitted November 20, 2017 at 04:39PM by StockJock-e