Thursday, May 31, 2018

Headed East by Jack Harries

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Cash or stocks right now?

I’m going to start by saying, I do understand the concepts of “don’t try to time the market” and long term investing. I have a ira and a mutual fund, which make up the major majority of my investments. Recently since the start of the year I’ve become much more interested in the stock market myself and have just been giving myself play money to use on robinhood, mainly been going after growth opportunities, like micron, baozun, baba, IQ, nvidia, stuff like that, and have decent gains from this year. I usually throw a hundred or so in here or there. Adds up to maybe a couple hundred a month, while still adding to my ira and other accounts monthly automatically through direct deposits. So all that in mind. Does it make more sense, in this market, with my robinhood account, to just keep buying slowly a little here and there like I have, or just hold cash for the time being a wait for the bear market and try and take advantage of having more cash on hand to buy the dip? Thanks in advance

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 12:25PM by Putltlnurhole

Paper trading google sheet

Does anyone have a google sheet templet for paper trading that they would be willing to share? or excel

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 11:27AM by neckbeard404

Opinions on Comcast

Comcast has been on a downward trend for a while now A long while actually Yet experts still feel it will see a MP of +$40 and are on buy/hold and none on sell

Just wondering how y’all feel about the stock and if y’all are bullish or bearish

I have 20 shares with an avg price at $35.38, will probably hold in hopes it pulls up

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 11:41AM by codingpunda

America’s Teens Are Choosing YouTube Over Facebook

Three years ago, Facebook Inc. was the dominant social media site among U.S. teens, visited by 71 percent of people in that magic, trendsetting demographic. Not anymore. 

Now, only 51 percent of kids between 13 and 17 use Facebook, according to Pew Research Center. The world’s largest social network has finally been eclipsed in popularity by YouTube, Snapchat and Facebook-owned Instagram. 

“The social media environment today revolves less around a single platform than it did three years ago,” the researchers wrote in a survey published Thursday. Alphabet Inc.’s YouTube is the most popular, used by 85 percent of teens, according to Pew.

The U.S. is by far Facebook’s most lucrative advertising market, where it makes a staggering $23.59 in quarterly revenue per user. But that doesn’t mean growth can continue forever. The company said in its most recent earnings call that it’s effectively saturated the market in America and Canada, counting 185 million users in those two countries combined.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 10:35AM by OptionsGeek

A Day in the Life of a Stock Trader - Blog | Horizon Institute

Section 1 – What does a stock trader actually do

The life of a trader is often glamorised by films such as The Wolf of Wallstreet and Margin Call – a view that is shared by many who have no direct experience with the wider investment industry. It is also true that different types of traders have very different workloads. Trading emerging markets is not the same as trading FTSE stocks or the forex markets.

Let’s start by defining what traders, broadly speaking actually are:

“Professionals in finance who buy and/or sell assets on the financial markets.”

A day in the life of a trader: Behind the scenes

These are people who usually have a background in finance, either through traditional education (think degrees in finance, accounting, economics, investment management etc) or through practical experience at companies working within financial services.

This is to say that the day-to-day activities of a trader is to either buy assets (such as stocks, futures, commodities) or to sell assets (such as stocks, forex, bonds). Two distinct roles in trading can be summed up in the Buy side, and the Sell side in terms of execution.

A broader categorisation would include participants within the financial markets who trade securities. This encompasses independent traders working from home to large multinational financial institutions which see billions of dollars a day flow from and to their order books.

The Buy Side

The Buy side is concerned with purchasing assets, and this generally involves taking orders from management or clients and then sending those orders to the broker to be executed. This role is being gradually replaced by technology, specifically automation and AI, and its hard to see a future for buy side traders 20 years from now. There is also a distinctly bad reputation associated with buy side traders, these are often just messengers, and have been known to treat brokers with incredible hostility and bitterness over recent years.

The Sell Side

Alternatively, the Sell side is just the opposite – these traders are only concerned with selling positions either the firm or the firms clients holds. Again technology is eliminating this role over time, and today both buy and sell side traders simply take message, and pass it along either electronically through an online platform or via telephone for the perhaps more traditional establishments.

Private Hedge fund managers

Many successful traders have gone on to start hedge funds with private companies and from private investors. This is a highly privileged position to be in, as hedge fund managers are in control of both the broad strategy for the investments and receives the greatest compensation should the strategy be profitable.

Private Portfolio Managers

Portfolio managers working at a private company (such as a large hedge fund) is again a much sought after position. Portfolio managers generally create a positive or negative selection portfolio, which allows them to implement their own strategy to make the best returns with the lease risk – although these parameters are often set outside the control of the individual portfolio manager. The same also exists within commercial banking, but it is usually more focused on creating a very balanced portfolio that exists to hedge risk as opposed to making real returns.


Analysts do the number crunching and quantitative prep work for the portfolio or hedge fund managers. This role involves applied finance and taking a close look at various assets fundamentals. This includes the balance sheet, income statement and cashflow statement for analysts looking at stocks. This is usually a relatively junior role, and those who are successful here tend to become traders, portfolio managers and eventually hedge fund managers over the course of a successful career.

Investment Banking

There are still plenty of traders left at investment banks, despite the decline over the last few decades. As much as 90% of the time is spent dealing with clients such as Hedge and Pension Funds.

Investment Bank Traders

As much as 90% of the time is spent dealing with clients such as Hedge and Pension Funds.

The trader is then Making Markets in Assets the clients want to buy/sell, such as stocks, currencies, commodities and bonds.

The other 10% of time is Proprietary trading, utilising the banks large balance sheet to create a positive selection portfolio.

Market Makers (Agency)

Market making is the primary task of an investment trader (~80% of market making business)

Split into two sections:

Agency Business – Client holds risk

Risk business – Investment Bank holds risk

Investment Bank charges commission on these activities at a typical rate of 5 basis points or 0.05%

Example – Buy £10,000,000 of BP stock at £100 per share = 100,000 BP shares.

Commission for bank - £10,000,000 X 0.005 = £5,000

Risk free for bank – algorithm executes trades based on client orders

In terms of basis points, 100 = 1%

Proprietary Trading

This type of trading can happen in two ways, the first where small investors at home use their own capital to trade for a direct gain or commercially where a firm uses its own capital to make trades to be the prime beneficially of the rewards should the trade go well. This is in contrast to how hedge funds would normally just earn a commission, by also utilising internal capital the firm is able to take larger risks, which tend to come with the larger rewards.

Here’s another interesting fact:

“Only 6% of candidates end up making it as a professional trader” (Business Insider, 2011)

This statement alone shows just how competitive the industry is, and to make a successful career is even harder, with only ~5% of traders ever making it to a managerial level.

A day in the life of a trader: Behind the scenes

Section 2 – How does 8 hours day break down?

6:00 AM

Traders usually start the day at 6.30 AM and start to catch up on news that broke overnight that may A) affect current positions or B) provide opportunities for new positions. These changes are digested, and areas of special interest are noted for further analysis later.

7:00 AM

Arrive at trading floor at 7:30, 30 minutes before markets open. This is the time where traders prepare themselves for the day. It also serves as an opportunity to talk to colleagues. For most hedge funds and other long-term traders, team meetings will happen in the morning to ensure all traders are up to speed and playing from the same game plan.

8:00 AM

Markets open: based on overnight news there may be buying / selling activity to adjust the traders portfolio based on the latest information. Many traders prefer not to trade at the market open due to higher volatility as traders from around the world react to overnight news.

9:00 AM

A common task around 9:00 AM would be to scan the market for short term opportunities, or to catch up on fundamental company analysis of companies in the watch list.

10:00 AM

Continuation of analysis or opportunity seeking based on the traders own intuition, experience and judgement. This is also prime time for internal meetings with the team and meetings with clients, potential clients etc.

11:00 AM

Here we see lower volume and volatility, and so short-term opportunities diminish, traders are thinking about lunch at this point. Finishing up financial models and analysis done in the morning. Another prime time for meetings with the team and clients.

12:00 PM

Most long-term traders take lunch, some short-term traders will stay at the desk as timing can be critical to a successful day.

1:00 PM

As investment banks and other major institutions return from lunch volatility in the markets increases and short-term traders get back to work. Long-term traders generally get back to analysis, risk management or strategy functions with only a cursory interest in the current market prices and volatility.

2:00 PM

Day traders will spend this time monitoring positions and executing trades as necessary. Long-term traders use this period in a variety of ways, as mentioned above.

3:00 PM

Short-term traders now think about closing existing positions and stop looking for new opportunities. This is also where the administrative functions of cancelling unfilled orders, or for long term traders, finalising analysis of the day and presenting it to stakeholders. This is the last chance to exit positions for the trading day.

4:00 PM

The markets are now closed. Traders often look back at the day, seeing what went well (and what didn’t). Management will often check in and with-it bureaucracy and paperwork.

5:00 PM

Time to leave the office and go home. The advent of mobile internet means most traders are now reading the latest financial news, following commentary and thinking about the strategy for tomorrow.

6:00 PM

If all went well arrive home, if not then its likely the trader will still be at the office working to meet the deadline of the day, from financial models to briefing management and clients.

7:00 PM

Outside of the general workday, traders will spend much of the evening doing research and analysis – everything from learning about the markets to experimenting with financial models to taking an advanced excel course.

Section 3 – Why you might want to be a stock trader

We meet a lot of traders, its what we do – and here are a few of the top reasons traders we spoke to continue to do what they do.

Love the Game

Many traders are extremely fond of the game that is the financial markets. Day traders talk about the rush as fast-paced action that runs from 8am to 4pm 5 days a week. The same holds true for long-term traders, and while lacking the constant adrenaline of day trading the highs of closing a trade that’s been on-going for months is just as great a feeling – the analogy one trader used was whereas day traders get Christmas every day, long-term traders get all of their Christmases at once, 4-5 times a year.

Financial Freedom

This is not just about the ability to make a living from trading and the financial markets, but from having the knowledge and understanding of the world of finance to make sound financial decisions, whether that be in deciding between a fixed or variable mortgage, or the best ways to allocate capital to save for school fees.

Intellectual Challenge

There is undoubtedly both an intellectual and an emotional challenge in trading successfully. While it is said that day traders trade emotion, long term portfolio managers trade on intellect and sound financial decision making.

Style & Expression

Traders all trade differently, from value investors to crypto speculators each trader develops a style and method of trading that fits their way of life and the perception they have of the world around them. If you are emotional in-tune with the wider world, then day trading can be exceptionally profitable. The same holds true for value investors like Warren Buffet, a trader who enjoys digesting and analysing reams of company reports to find what Buffet calls “Great companies at fair prices”.

This post has hopefully given you an understanding of the typical day in the life of a trader. If you feel your ready to take the next step towards a career in trading and finance, Horizon provides a comprehensive introductory course on Investing for Beginners.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 10:00AM by hioim

En Septembre J'ai Déménagé en France by Daniella

from Vimeo Staff Picks

stock prices and volume

Does news affect stock prices if there is no volume e.g. there is no one to sell or buy

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 08:40AM by mizi359

What do you guys think of Ally Bank (ally) long term?

I feel like consumers are starting to realize that they are getting screwed with big banks (fees, next to nothing interest rates). People aged 50- 60 and over are unlikely to switch to them as they like their brick and mortar style bank and it may be a pain for them to transfer SSI and pensions and what not. But I think millennials will choose online banks over big banks. I constantly see posts about Ally Bank in r/personalfinance and their last quarterly report they stated they had a record number of new clients for the quarter. I was thinking about investing hard on them for long term. Any thoughts? Will the repeal of Dodd-Frank help online banks or just small state banks? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 09:01AM by ilovethetradio

Question about PE ratio...Please help

So I am a new investor and I am trying to figure out every term that I can.

I found this one: PE ratio.

I know that is Price per earnings but there is something that is bothering me a lot.

For the company KHC (Kraft-Heinz) on many websites is around 6.5. So far so good.

The problem is that the price of a stock is (right now) around $58.8 and the earning per share of the last year (the most recent 4 quarters) is $3.6.

( you can check it on this website reference )

If you do the math for the PE ratio (price of the share divided the last (annual) earning per share) you will end up with 58.8/3.6 and the result is 16.1

Now if you check whatever website you will see that the PE ratio is 6.5

( you can check it on this website reference )

So I was wondering what's the problem here? I tried with several other companies and I had no problems but I don't understand what's wrong with KHC.

P.S. At the end I found this website that is listing the Earning per share at $8.95 and now the math works, but I still don't understand why some website report a so huge difference. Am I missing something?

( you can check it on this website reference)

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 02:08AM by ycram3

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

5 Reasons Why the Stock Market Crash is Inevitable

Here's what we foresee: 1. A new technology bubble bursting 2. E-commerce Impacts on Stocks. 3. Trade Wars and Political Frictions 4. Digital Security, Virus Disruptions and similar crises 5. Skills Gaps Employment Patterns and Ageing populations. For more details:

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 01:05PM by Caster-Tr0y

Random walks by Borbála Tompa

from Vimeo Staff Picks

SNAP looking attractive at 10.50

Despite all the hate for snap it continues to be one of the most used social media apps among younger users. This stock went up short term and is now back at around 10.50... What do you guys think?

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 11:10PM by paxhal18

Turning 18 on Friday. Planning on sticking my toes in the stock market

Hey there Reddit community. As the title explains I am turning 18 and plan on experiencing the highs and lows of the stock market. Fear not for I am not entering with a “ get rich quick mentality “. Nor am I coming in with the mindset to double or triple my money. I am simply just amazed at some of the communities formed from the stock market such as this one. If I make an extra $20 or $30 from NKE or DIS then hey guess who’s treating themselves to ice creme :). I plan on becoming somewhat active to the best of my ability and would love for any advice from the veterans to the intermediates. I plan on starting off by using Robinhood but am willing to try different sites. Please fill free to comment any extra stuff I should know.... again I repeat I am not here with a get rich quick mentality nor do I expect to double or triple my money. I just want to be able to say been there done that. Thanks in advance!

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 10:52AM by Niickk0824

BOOMERANG by Matthew Frost

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Index equity returns over the last 10 years

Graph of this issue:

US: +139% Germany: +20% France: +15% UK: +15% Spain: -20% Italy: -37%

The S&P 500 has nearly tripled (up 194% to be exact) since its low point on March 9, 2009. The surge reflects America's recovery from the Great Recession.

Yet the bull run has slowed considerably, especially in 2016. Stocks started the year with a scary plunge that was fueled by fears of a new global recession and worries about the downsides of cheap oil. Some even feared the bull market was near its death bed.

"The more fun part of the bull market is probably over," said Russ Koesterich, global chief investment strategist at BlackRock. "It doesn't mean stocks can't advance. But the gains are going to be more muted -- and accompanied by more volatility."

Still, the market freakout of 2016 highlights the serious challenges facing the bull market as it grows older.

After soaring 30% in 2013 and 11% the next year, the S&P 500 was basically flat in 2015. Not only has the market stopped smashing records, it's down 7% from its May all-time highs.

Seven may not sound very old, but in stock-market years it's practically senior-citizen status. Only two bulls have lived longer, led by the nine-year run that ended in March 2000.

"Time to buy the bull an AARP membership," jokes Howard Silverblatt, senior index analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indexes.

In some ways, this bull market anniversary should carry an asterisk. That's because the record books may actually need to be amended if a bear market (20% decline from previous highs) happens soon.

Do you think the US stock market will continue to outperform the european stock market?

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:37AM by gorillaz0e

Live Market Updates

Live Market Updates: - Sensex fall more than 120 points, BSE Sensex declined 115.22 points to 34,834.02 and NSE Nifty slipped 44.70 points to 10,588.60. Nifty broken 10,600 levels while all sectors are in red barring. Oil retailer fell up to 3%. Prices of petrol and diesel cut by 1 paisa. Coal India’s shares gained over 3.5%.

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 02:41AM by cpiresearch97

Study: what happens next to the stock market when volatility returns

VIX spiked more than 25% yesterday after being consistently above 20 from January - March. Here's what happens next to the stock market after volatility returns (i.e. VIX spikes):

It's a bullish sign for the next 1-3 months.

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 01:59AM by markethistory

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Penrose by Kris Stanton

from Vimeo Staff Picks

What is your opinion on Soros and his thesis? Leaving politics aside.

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 12:44PM by zerokelvin32

Prices of stocks?

Hi, very noob question. I have been trying out trading 212 and its practice account. With the stocks it just gives a number for the price/value, say 13.51 for AMD. I am using GBP, what are these prices of stocks? How can I know what it is relative to GBP?

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 11:07AM by Novantix

What sort of strategy do you employ with your Roth IRA?

I currently have both an individual brokerage and a Roth IRA with E*Trade. I've currently got about 15% of my invested funds in my IRA with the remaining majority in my brokerage. While I have a good number of growth names in my individual brokerage, I've been parking high dividend stocks (UNIT, QTS, TRTN, and JPM at the moment) in the IRA and DRIPing them. I'm 23, so my thinking is that several decades of compounding, tax-free dividends will be extremely powerful.

I'm curious if this is a fairly common strategy or if anyone here employs anything wildly different to take advantage of the tax benefits of a Roth IRA. Thoughts?

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 11:01AM by ConsiderTheBulldog

Elemental by Armand Dijcks

from Vimeo Staff Picks


Submitted May 29, 2018 at 09:33AM by Dillweed7

Revenue streams of the 5 big tech companies

Graph of this issue:

As earnings season continues, one thing is becoming clear: tech is king.

Coming into Q1 releases, conventional wisdom was that sectors such as energy and financials would be the big winners. Tech, on the other hand, had largely led the moves down over the last couple of months, and was not often mentioned as a place to be. Energy earnings are, as expected, showing tremendous growth, which is hardly surprising if you so much as glance at a chart showing oil prices, while early in the season most financial firms did reveal the expected increase in trading profits.

The headline grabbers, however, have been in tech, and especially big tech.

The big four, Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Google (GOOGL), collectively known as the FANG stocks, have all reported EPS beats, ranging from a penny in the case of Netflix to a massive 168% upside surprise from Amazon. Now that we have all their earnings, it is time to take stock, if you’ll forgive the pun.

Do you think these 5 stocks will continue to be good investments?

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 08:26AM by gorillaz0e

What do you guys think of Aphria Inc. (TSX:APH)?

People on r/Weedstocks love it, but it sometimes seems like an overhyped fan base, so I wanted to get the opinions of you guys here. Thanks in advance!

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 06:38AM by bog_1

Study: what happens next when the stock market swings in a very narrow range

The S&P 500 has swung in a very narrow 1% range over the past 12 days. Historically, this is a slightly bullish sign for the stock market on a 2 week - 6 month basis (forward returns).

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 03:23AM by markethistory

Monday, May 28, 2018

Tech Commentary: Week of 5-25-2018

As always, I'm open to feedback and suggestions! Will do my best to implement them. Happy Memorial Day!

Earnings season continues to wind down, but there were still a few notable tech earnings, including HPE, INTU, ADSK, LXFT (down 24% on earnings!), SPLK, NTNX, NTAP, and PLAB. Outside of earnings, tech companies are hosting analyst days (for example, MU authorized a $10B buyback program and raised guidance for Q3) and tapping the capital markets (examples: USAT, FEYE). However, the biggest news this week is the implementation of GDPR on Friday, a massive and confusing set of data protection regulations in Europe that few companies are compliant with and has been causing disruption, especially in the adtech space (GOOGL, FB, CRTO, e-mail marketing companies).

For detailed notes, please visit:

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 01:24PM by Keeppgoingg

ING beat Q1 forecasts with earnings growth of 7.2% driven by loan book growth and stable margins.

The company is targeting customer growth of 25% over the next 2 years plus cost cuts of c.€900 million that alone could boost earnings by 15%.

Valuation looks reasonable with a TTM PE of 9.9 with a yield of 3.3%.

This post is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. Stocks are not suitable for all investors. Please do your own research.


Submitted May 28, 2018 at 01:52PM by InterestingNews1

$ZOES is my play tomorrow

$ZOES after that massive drop after earnings seems to be a prime target for a bounce tomorrow. Short percentage is over 50% and sitting at a all time low it could see significant short covering. It also has a market cap of 130 million on 380 revenue. Finally option max pain is $15 right now and stocks frequently move back to that point. I I will be looking for a entry near 8.50 and a PT of $11-12

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 12:21PM by er111a


Do you believe the battle for Fox going to have an impact on their share price? If it does, would this be a good or bad time to invest in these undervalued companies?

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 11:18AM by sweetshot13

Loved By All: The Story of Apa Sherpa by Sherpas Cinema

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Fractal geometry in Trading

Does any one have any idea of application of fractals in trading especially in technical analysis? Examples or sources would be highly appreciated.

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 10:58AM by hsaak7

Rookie trying to understand assignment in options trading (have not bought and don't plan to purchase options for a while until I get a good understanding on things).

What I understand so far is that there are 3 things one can do with an options contract:

Can let the contract expire worthless; can exercise the contract; can sell it back to the market.

Aside from all the technical things I'm most curious at this point about one being assigned, cause I think this will help clear up some misconceptions I have about options.

What I understand so far about being assigned, is that it occurs only when, say I sell a contract that is in the money and the person I sell it to decides to exercise it, and assignment means that the seller of the contract then owes the buyer (who just exercised the contract) 100 times the strike price times number of contracts. This does not really make sense to me but that's how I understand things.

Going further, help walk me through a couple of examples. There are components of the process that are still fuzzy for me..

Say I buy one call option with a strike price of $250 and the contract is $1. Purchasing one of these contracts is therefore $100: I am paying $100 as a sort of down payment for the right, but not the obligation, to exercise the contract which would enable me to buy 100 shares of this stock at $250. So, if the stock goes up to $280 before the contract expires, I have the ability to exercise and pay $25,000 for 100 shares the stock instead of paying $28,000.

So, what if I do not want to exercise the contract and just want to sell it back to the market (because I may not have $25,000 but still want to make a profit). So say that the stock does go up to $280 before the contract expires, which in turn will raise the value of the contract and where I would expect to make a return. I am not sure how much I would make if this was the case, but say I do sell it back to the market.

What I understand is that with the sale of this contract there is someone buying it. Now, if the buyer of the contract I just sold decides to exercise it, that means that I would be assigned, correct? And being assigned the contract means that I would then owe the buyer $25,000?? If I bought the contract for $1 and it goes up to what, $3, that means that by selling it back to the market I would make a profit of $200. So I'd then owe some person $24,800. Why ever sell a contract?? But this can't be how it works...

What am I missing here?


Submitted May 28, 2018 at 09:04AM by dalastspartan

Four Weddings by The Guardian

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Why was price so high in 2000?

Why was the stock price for Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc so high during 1999-2002?

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 06:05AM by iDeanoo

Sunday, May 27, 2018

At home by Nick Kontostavlakis

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Can someone explain how to get started?

Basically I'm that one guy that saw the wolf of wall street and went "wow!"

Now I know it's probably nothing like that but I am still interested, could anyone explain how to get started in invasting/trading stocks, is there a difference between trading stocks and investing in stocks?And don't spare any detail, from where online to do so, what to avoid, how to not embarrass yourself infront of an entire subreddit, etc.

P.S. Can it be done worldwide over the internet? I live in the EU (Croatia), do I have to pay any taxes if I do so?

Submitted May 27, 2018 at 02:24PM by -Feyton-

T-Mobile is a bargain hiding in plain site

I spend alot of time looking for bargains in obscure places. When T-Mobile (TMUS) seems to have everything.

It has one of the best management teams in a fast growing company in an industry that is only going to benefit from increasing connectivity and IoT.

It has a historic earnings CAGR of 60% and forward CAGR of 25%. Trade on a trailing PE of 20 and if it ever merges with Sprint will release billions in synergies.

Even if the earnings multiple doesnt increase it should be trading on $94 by the end of 2020 representing a gain of 70%.

This post is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. Stocks are not suitable for all investors. Please do your own research.

Submitted May 27, 2018 at 01:48PM by InterestingNews1

NUMB | Meg Myers by Clara Aranovich

from Vimeo Staff Picks

MSCI World index methodology

For a long time, I have been pondering how MSCI created the MSCI World stock market index, and what the strategy is behind the stock selection.

I found this explanation on the MSCI Website: "The index is built using MSCI’s Global Investable Market Index (GIMI) methodology, which is designed to take into account variations reflecting conditions across regions, market-cap segments, sectors and styles. With over $3.1 trillion in assets benchmarked to the MSCI World Indexes, MSCI is a leader in global equity indexes."


however, this is a bit vague / unclear to me. Can someone clarify?

Submitted May 27, 2018 at 07:32AM by gorillaz0e

Did you ever invest one large lump sum on one stock? Why?


Did you ever buy one stock with a large sum of money in comparison to your net worth? If so, why did you do it?

Did the strategy work out well for you?

I have often been thinking about it, but honestly I have been afraid to do it, so I stick to buying index funds.

Submitted May 27, 2018 at 07:36AM by gorillaz0e

Unpriced anomaly question.

Imagine you have come up with what you believe is an anomaly that has not been price in but you lack the funds (even with leverage) to trade on it.

What would you do?

Submitted May 27, 2018 at 01:22AM by kc49er

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Giving Artists With Disabilities a Space to Thrive by Great Big Story

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Activist investor Loeb's investment wants to split up United Technologies Corp after a sum-of-the-parts analysis of the company that yields a valuation of around $190 to $210 per share compared to market close of $127 on Friday.

The SOP valuation is based on market comparisons of three main businesses to KONE (for Otis); Allegion, Ingersoll-Rand, and Lennox (CCS); and TransDigm and Spirit AeroSystems (UTAS)

This post is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. Stocks are not suitable for all investors. Please do your own research.

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 12:40PM by InterestingNews1

Built a site - what would it be worth today?


I put together a little site where you can check what your investment would be worth today. I got twenty or something stocks so far but will add more, plus a few cryptos (they're hot nowadays aren't they?)

Any interesting stocks you think should be added? (nyse, nasdaq only due to API)

Here's where you can find it:

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 12:42PM by ajohnwik

My students assigned me a to invest in the stock market over the summer. I have no clue what I'm doing!!!

I'm a teacher (fine arts) and I started a tradition were I ask my students to give me summer assignments. It allows me to learn more about the world and who my students are. In the fall I provide them with evidence to prove I completed their tasks. One of them asked me to invest in the stock market and I think it would be so fun to do. Is it possible to invest less than $50 in the stock market in order to get a feel for things? If so, would you have any tips on how to go about it? Google really overwhelmed me but I'm interested in completing this students task.

THANK YOU so much in advance!!

(Also, I tried to not violate any rules but I have no clue what a penny stock pump is and Melissa Lee is wearing red today. )

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 12:01PM by balcony-gardener

Could someone answer a question not related to the market directly, please

What is the job title of someone that researches scientific information, and companies for funds and investment companies etc but does not trade or do financial work. This is in the UK by the way.

Yes I have tried to google it, and I haven’t got a clear answer, or even a roughly specific job title for it.

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 09:44AM by arthurkinnel

Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning May 28th, 2018

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 09:29AM by bigbear0083

BEARCUBS 'Underwaterfall' by Salomon Ligthelm

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Study: how long does it usually take for a 10%+ “small correction” to make new highs

Most 10%+ "small corrections" take 2-5 months to make a new high, with 7 months being the maximum. The stock market topped in January 2018.

Based on the probability distribution curve of this study, the stock market will probably make a new all time high somewhere from late-June to late-August 2018

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 04:38AM by markethistory

Investing in sex-robots

I am a investment could i go about investing in a company like Realbotix ? Of course i anticipate a big surge in the coming years..

I don't know if they are listed on any stock exchange (prolly not) and i am located in Europe..

EDIT: they seem to accept investments privately and only from accredited investors and with a lot of paper-work and a very large minimum...question is still open in how to do this for similar companies..

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 11:45PM by RandomHandle31

Friday, May 25, 2018

META: Immunity by META

from Vimeo Staff Picks

The Contrarian Quartet (Part I)

Is there any population cohort exposed to a more rigid daily routine than school going children and teenagers?

The constant ringing of bells, schedule of classes, lunchtime, homework, each a daily fixture throughout the academic year. It is no wonder then that most people tend to be conformists – the rigidness of school stamps out individualism in favour of conformity.

The irony of it all is that we celebrate the individuals who have managed to resist the rigidness and maintain their non-conformist streaks. Our heroes are Steve Jobs not Jeffrey Immelt, Muhammad Ali not Floyd Mayweather, The Beatles not Coldplay.

Capital markets too have on occasion handsomely rewarded the contrarians, like Dr Michael Bury during the Global Financial Crisis, Paul Tudor Jones in 1987, and Jesse Livermore in 1929. Markets do not, however, look kindly upon the reflexive contrarian – the investor that cannot help but go against the trend. Markets can be conformists for extended periods of time and hence why momentum following strategies can be so rewarding.

We like to consider ourselves independent investors – investors that scour the market for signals that may provide us with opportunities to generate outsized returns. Our aim is neither to be contrarian nor momentum driven. Today, however, we see four areas of the market where the risk-to-return profile in being contrarian is far more attractive than in following the herd. We outline two out of the four areas of opportunity below and will outline the remaining contrarian opportunities in a follow-up next week.

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 12:27PM by lxvresearch

Due Diligence recommendation: China

China is today a huge emerging market, with the raise of their middle class being one of the largest macroeconomical processes going on in the world. In 2000, 63% of the Chinese population was considered rural, making the equalent of less than $9000 dollars a year. Today, this number is at just a bit above 40%. It's estimated that in 2050, China will have a full on American style Middle class. These numbers are important, but the specifics are not important. They peak Intrest.

When the middle class becomes a majority in China, it will lead to so many changes in their economy. Cash transactions will fall, media & entertainment revenues will spike, online shopping will raise similar to other developed counties , mobile and internet usage raises quickly and technology will be developed and implemented faster. These trends affect tons in financial markets, and it's been my focus for the last 4 months., Tencent, Alibaba, IQIYI, Baidu. All these companies that you hear off all the time all over the financial world the second China comes up. To analyze companies that provide services, you have to do estimates about their possible valuation must be multiplied by the development of China. As the market increases, so does revenues and afterward profits. Today, according to JingDongs research in their latest reports, Chinese retail market is increasing 11.3% annually, along with e-com that increases 21%. On top of all of these companies natural growth, they see this raise of the middle class and therefore increase in possible market size.

As a last note, there is an Intresting catalyst I'll do a write up on later, that will most likely happen during the coming year. As of today, all of these companies mentioned above are traded through international holding companies. They do not trade in the Chinese markets as well, but only though these American exchange posted cayman island / Marshall Island style holding companies. The Chinese government plan to during the coming year let these companies trade on Chinese exchanges, allowing all the Chinese investors to be let lose at the giants of their own country. Allowing these companies onto the Chinese stock exchanges would increase the investments into these companies, forming what will perhaps be a great catalyst for the companies. Today it's hard to know though, as the specifics are not nailed down. I am currently researching it myself trying to calculate make estimates, and will post my findings once I belive them myself. I'll be honest, it's hard. My mandarin reading is also weak. Many times weaker than my near worthless speech.

So what's the point of this post? Well, to give out some information which isn't obvious. Also my opinion that these companies are all worth holding, if you are willing to hold not only a risky growth company, but a risky growth company within a risky growing emerging market. If you are looking for something new, exciting, rewarding and challenging to research and understand, do like me and delve into China. It's been very challenging, but my models are starting to feel somewhat close to reality.

I have during these last 2 months increased my position in China to 31% of my portfolio, with the largest position of my holdings being in and a lot of love for the newcommer IQIYI

Thanks foe reading! Happy to discuss


A few sources to read:

JingDong reports

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 11:40AM by lykosen11

The Climb by Preston Gibson

from Vimeo Staff Picks

tube amp - Bone Nest featuring B. Urquieta by Bone Nest

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Article: A Disciplined and Organized Approach to Trading in the Stock Market

A Winning Approach to Trading in the Stock Market:

Many traders lose simply out of ignorance. They base their trades on hunches, news, or tips from friends, and do not define specific risk and profit objectives before placing trades. Others have the merit of educating themselves but fall victims of their emotions. They hold on to losing positions hoping they will turn into winners and sell winners by fear of losing a small gain. They over trade to fulfill a need for action or by fear of missing out.

The consistent winners follow a winning approach:

  1. They have a strategy to enter and exit trades
  2. They use good money management
  3. They take consistent actions, they follow a trading plan
  4. They keep good records so they can review their actions
  5. They avoid over trading
  6. They have a winning attitude

A strategy to enter and exit trades:You need to a strategy to put the odds in your favor for each trade you take. Your strategy should be as objective as possible and include the following elements:

=> Click to read the full article:

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 02:41PM by Floogieltradingco

What's all the fuss about ARLZ - Aralez Pharmaceuticals

Lots of discussion around the watercooler about Aralez Pharmaceuticals Inc (ARLZ) and wanted to get your take on its current situation.

Looks like it lost a good chunk of market cap with the latest earnings report and announcement of a restructuring.. but I've been hearing rumors its undervalued and might be a prime time to buy. Your thoughts?

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 03:33AM by thewildpacific

Affordable stock recommendations for a noob

I was wondering if people could share a few stocks that are priced at $10 and below per share. I'm new in investing and I'm content with crawling before I walk. I want to learn from my mistakes (small). Anyone know of any low priced stocks that have potential today?

Submitted May 25, 2018 at 01:20AM by ejw2691

Thursday, May 24, 2018

FYI - The stockmarket isn't open on Memorial day

Nope, not open.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 12:03PM by james1844

I haven’t seen anyone post about AAXN growth. Any thoughts?

No text found

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 12:54PM by Vapechef

Netflix Domination Pt. 2: Netflix passes Disney and is now biggest pure media company in the world by market value

Netflix passed Disney in market value and is now the most valuable media company in the world.

Shares of Netflix rose 1.8 percent Thursday, reaching a market value of $152.6 billion, according to FactSet. Disney's stock fell 1 percent and now has a market value of $151.8 billion.

Netflix is the best performing stock in the S&P 500 so far this year. Its shares are up more than 80 percent through midday Thursday, while Disney's stock is down about 5 percent.



Note: And their only acquisition since their founding was buying Mark Millar's comic book company MillarWorld for less than $50M and by end of 2018 will be a $200B company and that making them the largest pure media and entertainment company in history. And their original business model was mailing DVD to the post.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 01:00PM by snack-fu-bling

TED 'A.I. Therapy' by Mother

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Trump cancels meetig at Singapore...

How will this affect the stock market?

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 11:56AM by trade24432

Which Oilfield Stocks Are You Watching/Buying?

I live in Oklahoma and work in the oilfield so naturally i am investing in what i know. Things have become really optimistic as of late and i believe right now is a good time to jump in. Some stocks I currently own: XEC, NFX, CHK.

XEC: I have worked on Cimarex operations off and on for about 8 years. This company really has their stuff together and has always struck me as a company that will last. I bought in at $98 (current price is around $95) but i don't see it staying down for long. I know they went over budget last year but have recently trimmed the fat, dropping its most underperforming drilling rig. I am going to sit tight for now and if the stock drops below $90 i will buy much more.

NWF: MY experience with Newfield is limited but like XEC when i worked with them they seemed to be making the right calls. I'm not going into details about drilling practices but IMO they were doing things other companies weren't and still aren't that sped up operations. Also looking at their 5 yr chart they seem to bottom out in the mid/high $20s then jump to high $30s-40s then repeat.

CHK: Yea i'll be honest that this was more of a WSB style YOLO than anything else lol. It has been a turd since i purchased months ago but has been taking off this last week and i am in the green finally. Exit strategy is "to the moon".

Which oilfield stocks are you investing in?

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 09:19AM by zghorner

NxWorries (Anderson.Paak & Knxwledge) "Lyk Dis" (Official Music Video) by robin velghe

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Getting Rich on Government-Backed Mortgages

A branch manager gets home loans for borrowers with weak credit or low incomes—and taxpayers back him up.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 08:34AM by OptionsGeek

Thoughts on MJNA?

It’s currently at 0.11 per share. Has anyone done research on it? I know to get a return you would have to buy a shit ton, but it’s increased over the last few months.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 07:35AM by Kilgore_Of_Trout

U.S. Launches Criminal Probe into Bitcoin Price Manipulation

The Justice Department has opened a criminal probe into whether traders are manipulating the price of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, dramatically ratcheting up U.S. scrutiny of red-hot markets that critics say are rife with misconduct, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The investigation is focused on illegal practices that can influence prices -- such as spoofing, or flooding the market with fake orders to trick other traders into buying or selling, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the review is private. Federal prosecutors are working with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, a financial regulator that oversees derivatives tied to Bitcoin, the people said.

via. Bloomberg

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 07:39AM by OptionsGeek

Webinar: How to Leverage Technical Analysis w/ Options Trading

Learn how to use the right options strategy for different indicators and chart patterns. Leverage options with your technical analysis into explosive trades, while limiting your risk.

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 07:58AM by OptionsGeek

Study: slowing global economic growth IS NOT bearish for U.S. stocks

To put things into perspective, the recent slowdown in global economic growth is small compared to previous downturns.

More importantly, historically the U.S. stock market hasn't really cared about slowdowns in foreign economies. What matters is what the U.S. economy is doing right now. And U.S. economic growth remains decent right now, which is a medium-long term bullish factor for the stock market

Submitted May 24, 2018 at 05:30AM by markethistory

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A portrait of Iraq. by Janssen Powers

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Thoughts on CWH

Seems like a good entry point to me wondering if anyone else has thoughts? Hovering around 52 week low and good earnings. Am I missing something?

Submitted May 23, 2018 at 01:16PM by 69bingbong69

Hometown: A Portrait of the American Opioid Epidemic by Lindytown Films

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Factor Investing

Does factor investing matter? While it is easy to see that cyclicals are leading US equity returns this year, a contextual analysis points to a more nuanced explanation for the positive returns. YTD, the S&P 500 is up 2.15% (price return) led by Technology +8.48% Energy, +7.75% and Consumer Discretionary +6.37%. However, factor analysis suggests that Growth +5.68% and Momentum +1.88% are leading stocks higher as investors favor stocks who might benefit form accelerating GDP growth. In comparison, Value -0.55% and Low Volatility +0.28% are noticeably underperforming. Net, if investors were paying attention to factors, they may have been able to get ahead of the recent run in US stocks as factors, more than sectors, explain price behavior. Recently, we discussed how the S&P 500 may not be overvalued and that valuations may have further room to expand if future earnings growth surprise on the upside.

Submitted May 23, 2018 at 11:29AM by QuantalyticsResearch

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Trade Analysis 23 May 2018

Sellers seem to regain initiative as “the majors” suffer significant losses. Bitcoin has lost nearly five percent in the past 24 hours. The loser of today is Bytecoin, as the cryptocurrency has lost more than 17 percent in the past 24 hours. The fundamental background is neutral, however, some events may push the currencies further downside:

Submitted May 23, 2018 at 11:45AM by Proof_Chip

THE HUNGER (Gutten er sulten) by Kenneth Karlstad

from Vimeo Staff Picks

People are getting burned by this market because they are using the wrong tools

Seriously, one of the only stock screeners that accounts for short interest is Jai's stock screener

Submitted May 23, 2018 at 08:04AM by EquityResearch36

Companies attractive in the short and long term: MU, ECYT, FNB, ASYS, WDC

(I already have a position in MU and plan to initiate positions in the rest in the next 72Hrs.)

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

Submitted May 23, 2018 at 03:47AM by Andrewgolf

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

If you missed out on Weight Watchers rise you might be interested in Nutrisystem which has been growing earnings by 50% annually but still has a trailing PE of under 20.

Nutrisystem provides more than just a diet plan. The company simplifies your diet by shipping meals to your door. Each day, you eat a Nutrisystem breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. You can add items like fresh fruits, veg and snacks that you buy from the grocery store. Simple is good because the less you have to think about food the less you will be tempted to be led astray.

The Nurtisystem plan seems to be working with sales soaring and last year the company added the South Beach Diet plan to its home delivery options. As a result sales have doubled over the past four years and earnings have grown from $7mm to $57mm.

Despite the growth and rosy outlook the company still trades on a PE of 19.4 compared to Weight Watchers on 29.

This post is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. Stocks are not suitable for all investors. Please do your own research.

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 02:17PM by InterestingNews1

Is It Time To Just Sell All Your Gold?

For those that follow me regularly, you will know that I have been tracking a set-up for the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:GLD), which I analyze as a proxy for the gold market. I also believe that gold can outperform the general equity market once we confirm a long-term break out has begun, and I still think we can see it in occur in 2018. This week, I will provide an update to GLD.

While I have gone on record as to why I do not think GLD is a wise long-term investment hold, I still use it to track the market movements. For those that have not seen my webinar about why I don’t think the GLD is a wise long-term investment, feel free to review this link for my webinar on the matter:

Now, to answer the question I presented in the title to my article, I will simply say HECK NO! In fact, now is the time you want to be setting up your long positions, as we have a reasonably low-risk set up presented before us.

Over a week ago, I wrote my most recent public article on GLD, wherein I presented my general perspective, which was outlined in much more detail to the members of my service, with specific charts:

"As long as the GLD remains below 126, I still see the potential for it to test the 122/123 region."

That support region was my ideal target for us to strike for the 5th wave of the c-wave of a 2nd wave that I believed we needed before the next rally began. But, when the GLD dropped down to around the 400% extension (around 122) in the 3rd wave of its 5th wave last week, it suggested that we will likely break below that 122 support level before this pullback completed. And, that is exactly what occurred overnight on Monday.

Even when the GLD was hovering around the 125 region for several weeks, the apathy and indifference regarding gold within the overall market was quite palpable. Now that we have broken down below the 200DMA in gold, and have struck the lowest levels seen in the last six months, I am actually seeing posts of sincere hatred for the yellow metal. And, as always, such sentiment leads many analysts to again proclaim we are on our way below $1,000 in gold, which they back with many reasons and trend line breaks that support their perspective.

As an aside, those following trend lines in this market have been among the most whipsawed in the complex. This complex loves to break a trend line just before it reverses strongly in the opposite direction so as to shake out investors from the long side and leave the train station with the fewest on board as possible. And, we have seen it more times than I can count. Remember, trend lines and trend channels are the crudest form of linear analysis, which is not always helpful in a market that is clearly non-linear and overly emotional.

Again, I want to reiterate that am clearly not in the bearish camp. While I expected this pullback in the metal, as long as we remain over the 119 level I still believe this market is setting up in a strongly bullish pattern. You see, since the end of January, the GLD has been presenting us with an overlapping wave structure which is typical of a 2nd wave corrective pullback. Currently, we should be coming towards the end of the 5th wave in the c-wave of the a-b-c structure seen in a standard 2nd wave. And, it is quite typical to see sentiment turn deeply negative as that structure completes its downside corrective pattern.

Moreover, as long as the 119 region is held as support, this pattern is pointing us towards the 145 region within a setup that suggests a strong move will likely take hold up towards that region. So, as I noted before, the market is presenting us with a low-risk bullish set up for those interested in the long side in the metals complex.

During 2011-2015, I was taken to task by many who would read my articles as being too bearish. Yet, when we look back, it seems I was appropriately bearish. The members of my service then know just how uber-bullish I turned on this complex back towards the last part of 2015. In fact, we rolled out our EWT Miners Portfolio in September of 2015 because of the impending major bottom we correctly expected in the complex.

Then, on December 30th, I issued a public advisory regarding my expectations in the complex:

"As we move into 2016, I believe there is a greater than 80% probability that we finally see a long term bottom formed in the metals and miners and the long term bull market resumes. Those that followed our advice in 2011, and moved out of this market for the correction we expected, are now moving back into this market as we approach the long term bottom. In 2011, before gold even topped, we set our ideal target for this correction in the $700-$1,000 region in gold. We are now reaching our ideal target region, and the pattern we have developed over the last 4 years is just about complete. . . For those interested in my advice, I would highly suggest you start moving back into this market with your long term money . . ."

And, interestingly, I am now being taken to task by a number of commenters to my public articles for supposedly being too bullish the complex. Isn’t it funny how sentiment works?

You see, I am neither perma-bull nor perma-bear in my market perspective. Rather, I strive to refrain from bias so that I may follow the objective clues that are presented before me by the market price action.

So, rather than being indifferent, apathetic or outright bearish due to the seemingly negative recent price action and overly bearish market sentiment being exhibited in the metals complex, I am here to tell those willing to listen that the market is now providing you with a low risk opportunity to climb aboard before a major break out may be seen in the coming months. You would simply be risking $3-4 dollars for the potential of over $20 in gains. Those are the types of risk/reward set ups you should be looking for in any market you follow.

While I will never be able to tell you what a market will do with certainty, I can surely outline a low-risk set up. And, the GLD is presenting one to those willing to rise above the herd’s overly negative sentiment currently being displayed.

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 02:36PM by avigilburt

What have you learned, that you wish you knew, when you started investing in stocks?

What have you learned, that you wish you knew, when you started investing in stocks?

The below is my subjective personal experience and opinion. I do not think my experience is necessarily right or valuable for everyone.

For me:

Buying the broad indexes (e.g. MSCI World) is typically a good idea after a huge sell-off. It takes balls, and you might not hit the bottom, but it is often better to buy the dip than buy into a strong top formation. Many, not all!, losses can be averted, if you just forget about the investment, and let it sit for a few years. don't buy individual stocks. Buy well diversified funds, passive or actively managed. Broad diversification is good. Don't own stocks from just one single country or one sector. Gold miner stocks are to some extent a hedge, but this is a very dangerous investment. Those who bought gold exposure in august 2011 (when gold was expensive), are still in a huge loss today on that position. "safe" stocks like Pepsico and Hershey Co are not necessarily safe if they have high PE ratios and everyone have rushed to buy "safe" stocks in a low interest environment, where people see it as a low-risk alternative to getting 1% interest in their bank account. it is difficult to beat the market. When you manage to do it, it is often a result of luck, and not sheer analytical skill or technical trading talent. Avoid day trading. 

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 10:05AM by gorillaz0e

I seen a job in forex trading with a company called and need some advice.

OK I have a bit more knowledge of the trading than the average person but when I seen this job it offered full training. I dont trust it at all as its work from home but it got me thinking ks there any companies willing to train people up to work for them, sorry in advance as I new to this it may sound like a dumb question.

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 01:01PM by tampaine

Fuori Tempo by Vitùc

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Hurray for the Riff Raff - Pa'lante by Kristian Mercado Figueroa

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Brokerage / Data provider with Intraday Historical Data for Foreign Equities

Hi guys,

I’m looking for a brokerage or data provider with intraday historical data (5-10 years) for European and/Or Japanese equities. Sadly, quandl and all the other data go-Tos either provide only EOD data or not enough historical data. Ditto the brokerages. Specialty data outfits like Tick Data are prohibitively expensive. Is there any solution that I’m overlooking?


Submitted May 22, 2018 at 09:25AM by pmred234

Study: a rising USD isn’t consistently bearish for the stock market

The U.S. Dollar has been rising recently, which reminds some investors of the 2014-2015 USD spike that led to a “significant correction” for the U.S. stock market in 2015-2016.

For starters, it’s important to put things into perspective. The U.S. Dollar’s recent “surge” is more like a small rally.

But more importantly, the stock market doesn't always go up when the USD surges.

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 06:36AM by markethistory

Buying S&P500 Monthly (20 year old)

Hi all!

I'm new to this sub so my bad if I sound like a complete newbie.

I am always intrigued by the idea of the compound effect, and after months of research I decided that I will put 100% of my monthly investment contribution into the index fund (S&P500).

I earn around 4k monthly (48k annually), so I will be putting $500 every month followed by 10-20% increment every year.

Is this a good idea? I plan to put it over 10-20 years.

Submitted May 22, 2018 at 04:10AM by liptonaround

Monday, May 21, 2018

Thought Diary by Daniel Koren

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Long term Investing in ABBV. What should I expect?

I’m looking to invest in companies that can profit off the legalization of marijuana. I figured pharmaceutical companies will develop drugs that use cbd as an active ingredient. Is this a solid investment or should I look into other stocks?

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 02:54PM by OfficiallySpooky

Aflac Inc is a highly profitable insurance company with bright prospects and trading on a PE of just 13

Aflac is an insurer selling supplemental insurance policies for things such as workplace injuries and illness. It’s a consistently profitable company with a very healthy combined ratio of 96% meaning the cost of claims only amounts to 96% of the premiums. Additionally, the company is receiving nice boosts from rising interest rates, new tax legislation and with recent healthy performance in the stock market there are estimated to be about c.$700 million of undisclosed unrealised market gains.

Despite this the company trades on a lowly TTM PE of just 13 with consensus forecasts pointing to future annual growth of 11%.

This post is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security or derivative. Stocks are not suitable for all investors. Please do your own research.

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 02:41PM by InterestingNews1

Why does FITB drop after MBFI acquisition?

New to investing here. Why did FITB go down so much after MBFI? I understand that the fundamental reason is that market believes that the acquisition was not worth the price they paid, but are there any specific reasons why? And more importantly, is it a good buy as of now?

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 12:57PM by myheartsaysyesindeed

Netflix signed the deal. Its official

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 12:40PM by Waitwhonow

Mexican Handcraft Masters / GLAZED POTTERY by Mariano Rentería Garnica

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Its hurricane season buy dxyn

No text found

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 11:42AM by Homiedoge

Top 7 Cryptocurrencies Trade Analysis 21 May 2018

Crypto traders seem to be optimistic in the beginning of a new week as the majority top 20 coins is within the green area on Monday except Zcash, which loses momentum currently. Fundamental background is neutral as there is no important news, which is able to increase volatility or establish any tendency:

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 11:45AM by Proof_Chip

Nvidia, good time to buy?

Since the earnings, it's been going down. Is it a good time to buy? Or is it still overvaluated? Thoughts?

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 12:00PM by Menefer

Significant Insider Trading Activity (Last 7 Days)

This is a list of the top 20 companies that experienced the largest change in insider shares in the last seven (7) days. The SEC defines an insider as any officer, director or 10% shareholder. It is not illegal for these people to buy or sell their own shares. In fact, since most of them get paid in stock options, it is expected. However, it is illegal for them to trade on inside information that has not been made public. So for example if there are drug trial results that are bad and not public, insiders cannot dump shares. That said, many people have observed that insiders - in general - seem to have a good track record at timing their purchases.

Largest Insider Buying (Last 7 Days)

Company Count Direct Changed Indirect Changed Total Changed
EVLO / Evelo Biosciences, Inc. 2 0 29,806,786 29,806,786
NOG / Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. 1 8,000,000 0 8,000,000
AIRI / Air Industries Group 2 4,249,651 319,132 4,568,783
BOMN / Boston Omaha Corporation 4 3,137,768 9,350 3,147,118
TPIV / TapImmune, Inc. 1 1,300,000 0 1,300,000
VVUS / VIVUS, Inc. 2 1,080,000 0 1,080,000
DDR / DDR Corp. 2 1,011,858 0 1,011,858
NVT / Navteq Corp 1 0 823,903 823,903
ARNC / Arconic Inc. 2 800,000 0 800,000
IFF / International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc 5 749,807 0 749,807
BBLS / Petrolia Energy Corp. 1 687,500 0 687,500
SCOO / School Specialty, Inc. 1 535,629 0 535,629
AMH / American Homes 4 Rent 1 507,614 0 507,614
AYX / Alteryx Inc. 1 0 480,000 480,000
DS / Drive Shack Inc. 2 451,084 0 451,084
WCUI / Wellness Center USA Inc 1 433,333 0 433,333
MIC / Macquarie Infrastructure Company LLC 1 415,926 0 415,926
RIBT / RiceBran Technologies 1 400,000 0 400,000
PRGO / Perrigo Company plc 1 0 400,000 400,000
CH / Aberdeen Chile Fund, Inc. 3 0 380,197 380,197
ETM / Entercom Communications Corp. 3 363,064 0 363,064

Largest Insider Selling (Last 7 Days)

Company Count Direct Changed Indirect Changed Total Changed
BKI / Black Knight, Inc. 8 -1,541,492 -24,149,164 -25,690,656
WEN / The Wendy's Company 7 0 -16,837,044 -16,837,044
VIRT / Virtu Financial, Inc. 2 -200,000 -14,968,750 -15,168,750
PUMP / Propetro Holding Corp 1 0 -13,800,000 -13,800,000
JRVR / James River Group Holdings, Ltd. 4 -3,314,543 -6,594,476 -9,909,019
WTW / Weight Watchers International, Inc. 1 0 -8,625,000 -8,625,000
ADMA / ADMA Biologics Inc 1 0 -8,591,160 -8,591,160
AYR / Aircastle Ltd. 1 -7,887,029 0 -7,887,029
AGS / PlayAGS, Inc. 1 0 -4,675,000 -4,675,000
ATYR / aTYR PHARMA INC 1 -3,209,316 0 -3,209,316
RPD / Rapid7, Inc. 4 -71,675 -3,000,000 -3,071,675
CVNA / Carvana Co. 1 0 -1,650,000 -1,650,000
TPIC / TPI Composites, Inc. 8 -366,839 -1,108,137 -1,474,976
NYT / New York Times Co. 2 -1,085,000 0 -1,085,000
CRSP / CRISPR Therapeutics AG 3 0 -738,000 -738,000
Z / Zillow Group, Inc. Class C 5 -604,372 0 -604,372
FIT / Fitbit Inc. 1 0 -500,000 -500,000
CARG / CarGurus, Inc. 10 -268,295 -170,134 -438,429
ATRS / Antares Pharma, Inc. 2 -400,000 0 -400,000
NTRA / Natera, Inc. 2 0 -357,982 -357,982
AXTA / Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. 5 -331,113 0 -331,113

Count column is number of transactions. Direct Changed columns are shares bought/sold that were held directly by the reporting person. Indirect changed are shares bought/sold that were indirectly held by the reporting person, such as those held by spouses or other family members.


Submitted May 21, 2018 at 11:18AM by badpauly

36 Days of Type 05 by Ben Huynh

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Tech Commentary: Week of 5-18-2018

Alright gang, below is my 6th weekly commentary. For those who have been following, I started a weekly column with the feedback from this community. It was a relatively quiet week in tech, with some notable earnings including AMAT, SWCH, VIPS, and CSCO. Also some news coming from BIDU, AMZN, and SNCR, among others. As always, I'm open to feedback. Enjoy!

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 09:16AM by Keeppgoingg

Looks like we're going to have a great day (hopefully that's true by 4PM too haha)

Among the several “things to know” today, early reports this morning that China and the U.S. agreed to pause imposing import tariffs has seen negotiators setting up a blueprint to determine proper routes to evenly weigh current trade imbalances. Plus eyeing forex/crypto/oil and gas.

Personally I think that we see a stronger open, some whipsaw moves mid day and then depending on what trump tweets today, hopefully it equates to a stronger close. Need a good green day haha.

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 07:58AM by jameson62

Thoughts on Norwegian Air on short term?

According to this news IAG is going to offer 40$ per share, while Friday (today market is closed in Norway) closed at about 31$ after a dive down.

Might be worth checking what happens tomorrow.

Submitted May 21, 2018 at 08:30AM by g6oRDIGZ

Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the way in which information is stored and shared. It facilitates the creation of a distributed public ledger of transactions that is transparent, secure, self-validating, and cannot be forged. Tampering or tinkering with the data is impossible as a copy exists with every user or participating nodes.

With diverse applications in numerous industry sectors from maintaining land records, establishing identity, banking industry, making academic credentials universally recognizable and verifiable, real estate, voting, Internet of Things, healthcare and many more, blockchain technology is disrupting the existing practices across various industry verticals.

What we offer: • Technology Solutions • Consulting Services • Development Services • Integration Services • Testing Services • Industry-specific Blockchain Solutions


Submitted May 21, 2018 at 04:47AM by Blockchain-Help

Sunday, May 20, 2018


This is the time, tax reforms buy back report from GS and trade war settlement. Long and strong 😁

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 04:23PM by justdidit12

Minimum adequate money to be stable financially in this market ?

Hey all. I was wondering what is the minimum amount of money one would require in order to have a consistent stream of income from their portfolio. I know there are multiple different ways one can go about making money through the market.

However I’m curious as to what would the minimum amount of money one would need ?

I was thinking maybe 500k-1million and if one invests in solid blue chip companies(appl, AMZN) and has a diversified portfolio would be enough.

I know I’m missing something, what are the plethora of risks with this facade I have created ?

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 04:59PM by EnlightendOne

Thoughts on Nutanix?

It's been on my watchlist for a bit. Earnings report is out this week. Should I buy? :l

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 01:19PM by _xa0s

Wañuy by Turbo Media

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Investing Journal App/SaaS

Being a day trader I always struggled with memorizing patterns (technical and fundamental) and therefore predict (well, you know, not predict but think I can predict) possible price movements in stocks, forex etc. Being a software developer I wonder if there's a demand for an app/saas/extension to perform journaling tasks of personal investing steps/thoughts and so on. With an ability to upload screenshots, do memos, add notes etc. Do you think there's a market for it? Would you be willing to use an app that may help you organize your thoughts about a stock/commodity/etc?

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 09:07AM by fraktall

David Nadel on the Surprising Treasures in International Small Cap Stocks

Video about this issue:

The competitive advantages of international small company stocks with David Nadel, award-winning lead portfolio manager, Royce International Premier Fund. WEALTHTRACK #1447 broadcast May 11, 2018.

David A. Nadel joined the firm in 2006 and previously was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Neuberger Berman Inc. (2004-2006) and a Senior Analyst at Pequot Capital Management Inc. (2001-2003). He was also named to the 1999 and 2000 Institutional Investor All-American Research Teams. Mr. Nadel started his career at the French advisory firm Lazard Frerès & Co. and also worked in Hong Kong for Value Partners Group Ltd, Asia's largest hedge fund manager.

Do you agree with David Nadel's views in the video?

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 09:57AM by gorillaz0e

Reverie by Henry McClellan

from Vimeo Staff Picks

Study: financial conditions are still too easy for the equities bull market to end

Trying to predict exactly at what level of interest rates the economic expansion and equities bull market will end is futile. The honest answer is "nobody knows".

But more important than interest rates are financial conditions. And despite the Fed's multiple rate hikes, financial conditions are still extremely easy. Historically, financial conditions need to be much tighter for a bear market and economic recession to begin

Submitted May 20, 2018 at 07:21AM by markethistory

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Need help on improving my weekly tech commentary!

About two months ago, I started a tech blog on a whim. The reason is that I just want to give something back to “the internet”, rather than just be a voracious consumer of other people’s content. With the feedback of this community, I started a weekly tech commentary, and just completed the 6th one:

Some members of the community wanted a wekly column that is heavy on data and signal, and light on the fluff. I agree that this would be more differentiated, so went in that direction. The current format consists of my daily notes on signficant movers and news in the tech space, my reading lists for the week, and a concluding thought on Saturday or Sunday.

I’m struggling a bit this week given how quiet it is. Sure, there are many big movers and individually signficant events such as CSCO and AMAT’s earnings, and many conferences, but I’m not seeing anything too ground breaking. So my question to the community is:

1) Am I missing anything important this week? If so, I’ll follow up with post that digs in more on the topic.

2) For quiet weeks like this, what could I add that would make the weekly commentary more useful?

Thanks for reading!

Submitted May 19, 2018 at 02:42PM by Keeppgoingg

Paraíso by Nadav Kurtz

from Vimeo Staff Picks