Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Question about plus500

Hello! First off, some info.Yesterday, at around 2PM, I installed plus500 out of curiosity and because they have a demo account where you get €20000 to test around with. I have in the past been very active on Eve Online and have made a metric shitton of virtual money playing its market, and since there's a lot of similarities between a virtual economy and a real one I figured, why the hell not.

Now, I'm not up to date with all the trading lingo, nor have I ever done anything closely related to the stock market before. All I know and have learned from trading on Eve is how to recognize patterns, judge decisions, and calculate risk for myself. Long story short, I started of my demo account with €20000 and 8 hours later I was sitting on €15000 in profit, my only loss being €0.68 because of a judgement error when I started off. I haven't been busy with it 8 hours straight either, I just checked on it sporadically and looked some things up, made some adjustments and bought/sold some more stuff whenever I had time.

My question to you is this: since this means I practically doubled my starting money in a relatively short period, I naturally got sceptical about it. Is this demo account legit? And if yes, is it really that simple or did I get lucky? In the same vein, is this amount of profit normal? Because if this is how things are, and I could pull this off with real money...

I'm not one for taking rash decisions, as that results in tears and anger and loss of money. But if this is legit, I might start saving up an amount to be used for stock trading (some money I can set aside and not worry about if I lose it) and make some more with. Hell, even if I start with about €2000 and manage to make €3500 of that, that's almost a months worth of pay right there in profit.

Secondly, with plus500 there seem to be no big fees attached to transactions I'm doing. If I put €2000 in, manage to doubly my money, and want to take €4000 out, how much would they be taking for themselves?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for answering in advance!

Submitted August 27, 2014 at 12:07AM by TradeItThrow

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