Thursday, September 18, 2014

You know you're a Stock Addict when...

okay, so this is just something i did on another site i'm on and thought this would be kind of an amusing thread to have on here as well

so, i'll start this off...

you know you're a stock & reddit addict when....

  • get up in the middle of the night to take a leak, and then immediately after you hit up your mobile device or computer to check up on the futures, while at the same time hitting up this sub-reddit to see what the night owls are talking about...

  • ...instead of watching your favorite sports team's game at night, you instead choose to hit up cnbc world / bloomberg to see what's going on in the asian markets...

  • have cnbc world / bloomberg running on your mobile device or tv just before it's time to turn out the lights (sleep)

  • take a break from trading/markets/reddit to run some errands, etc, only to realize how amazingly out of touch you are with the outside world :lol:

  • ...when you're in a hospital and waiting for your new born nephew to come to this world, you choose to spend most of that time waiting in the lobby where there is a tv set and you kindly ask someone working in the hospital to change the channel to cnbc (this was before my smartphone days of course :rotfl:)

  • take a vacation and promise yourself that you will not check up on the markets and/or this sub-reddit while you're away, only to break that promise the day of your trip and immediately check up on the markets & this sub-reddit once you get to your destination either on your mobile device or your uncle's computer so that you are up-to-date on the very latest

  • ...anytime you type apple you want to type 'aapl'

  • ...anytime there is a long weekend where the markets are closed on the following monday you are not happy

  • sometimes reminisce the may 6 2010 flash crash and you hear ben lichtenstein squawking it up in the pits in your dreams

  • ...pissed as hell when your computer experiences issues connecting to sje's new chat, that you actually contemplate reformatting your entire machine just to see if that would fix your problem so you can join the rest of this sub-reddit crew in chat as well

  • ...hate work, because you rather be at home trading and posting on this sub-reddit (although, lately i have taken a bit of a sabbatical from work because of my upcoming and impending jaw surgery which is still up in the air at the moment)

well anyway those were a few at the top of my head :lol: how about the rest of you guys? let's hear 'em :p

Submitted September 19, 2014 at 12:08AM by bigbear0083

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