Thursday, October 2, 2014

Advice on being up during this market sell-off

So let me preface this by saying that I have a pretty solid amount of money, and make a good living (so I can hold out if needed basically). 27 years old and invested heavy in AAMRQ, which translated into American Airlines (AAL). I'm up bout 328% on it to date, and JUST hit long. I had been waiting to hit long, and have been watching the stock drop to frustrating levels, and it looks like it's not going to end.

Now I can sell, but I still envision this stock as a $40+ stock, and these Ebola fears are way overblown. I feel like there's maybe a 5% more downside here. Especially with Brent Crude dropping the profits are only increasing by the day. But I feel like a pig sitting on these gains and want to sell, problem is if I sell then buy back in at a lower price I'm opening myself up to the short term gains again.

Any big holders out there riding out the wave, or are you selling and locking it in? Any thoughts on AAL specifically? Been driving me nuts and it's stressing me out more than it should.

Submitted October 02, 2014 at 04:47PM by rambosis

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