Monday, March 21, 2016

Is it time to invest on oil now that it have a bottom? I think is time to invest on Oil. Just My Opinion. read why and tell me what you think. thanks

I think so. Just to be contrary: oil was cruising along at $100 or more for years, then crashed and found a bottom at 45-50, recovering to 6o a couple of months later. Then it slid to $40, and climbed back to 50. Then slid again to bounce off $30, and is now back to $40. I think $30 was the bottom, and we're still low enough to take advantage of oil. But looking at the chart at the bottom, the recent "bottom" at $30 looks a lot like the $45 level in January-March 2015. Nothing is certain except death and taxes. Is it safe now? No, nothing with that much volatility could be called safe. But if you have a long term horizon, I think it's a pretty good bet. WHAT DO YOU THINK??

Submitted March 21, 2016 at 06:49AM by dbelov275

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