Monday, February 27, 2017

WTF happened to gold mining this past week?

I recently moved a large portion of my portfolio into Gold Mining, apparently buying high right before a crash, like a sucker. I just checked this morning, and I'm down, down, down. Down. Like 30% down overnight.

I really underestimated risk here and the sheer speed of a potential dip. I'm used to 2-3% moves. It looks like I'm down around $730.00 in losses for this trade so far. "I ain't seen a beatin' like that since somebody stuck a banana in my pants and turned a monkey loose."

What's going on with JNUG / NUGT? Should I panic sell or have I already survived the worst of it? Or, is this the time to double down and buy more. For those who have been on the right side of this trade -- what tipped you off to making the smarter trade (eg. DUST is on the Up and up.)

Submitted February 27, 2017 at 04:03PM by lowcho

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