Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/25 Watchlist

Quick summary: Their is some days were there is not much to watch. Tomorrow is one of those days. I will be adding more gappers tomorrow morning.

2/25 Watchlist

CAPN is a low float stock which had a weak close on Tuesday. I am anticipating a washout to the 6 - .25 mark and expecting a bounce. I will only be shorting parabolic moves because I want to avoid traps midday. Do not add to losses.

BIOC #1 Watch: is another float rotation stock, very very tricky. Only shorting parabolic moves to whole/half dollar marks. I will at no point be shorting the "back side of move". Expecting a parabolic past 3.5 to the 3.75 - 4 range. Will add to pops.

HMNY is a likely a pump and dump. With only 357.02K Float and 84.66% held by insiders, I think it is pretty safe to say that this could run up a lot. I will be using 3.50 as a guide throughout the day.

VPCO is a vaper company. I thought this stock was worth like .30 cents but whatever. Expecting one of 2 things to happen. Ideally stock parabolics past 1.50 and I will begin to short at any sign of weakness (likely around the .70 - 90 level). Where I will add to pops. Or the stock will washout and I will ignore it.

APRI has a very clean trend. Ideally it will parabolic move past 2.5, which it likely holding up around the .60-.70 range. Will be shorting the back side of move on this stock if the opportunity presents itself.

CHGG is up on so much good news. Good earning and after a news report that said (morning market trading Tuesday after the company said that Ingram Content Group will be taking over the textbook rental business as of May 1). Thought I would throw this on here incase anyone had any plans of longterm buying.

Note: Simple list today, nothing very out of the ordinary. Let me know if you are shorting/buying any of these stocks!

Good luck!

Submitted February 24, 2015 at 06:35PM by Badbaseball http://ift.tt/1DQinNA

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