Monday, May 30, 2016

Trouble with DCF - FinBox

Hey everyone, I'm new to this sub. I am a finance student home for summer vacation and am interning at a mutual fund as a summer analyst. I've never heard of FinBox before joining this sub, and have decided to use it as a tool to help better my DCF modeling; I've always had trouble at calculating WACC when it comes to real companies, as opposed to from a textbook.

I am having trouble finding out how much of the company in question (UTX) is funded by Equity. FinBox says it is 20% financed by Equity, but I am having trouble creating that figure myself. It seems they calculated it using [(Long-term + Short-term Debt)/Total Assets], but I was taught to use [(Short-term + Long-term Debt)/(Short term + Long-term Debt + Equity)].

Can anyone offer some advice on how they found this figure, and how I can find it myself? Thanks in advance.

Submitted May 31, 2016 at 01:29AM by mjvblue

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