Friday, February 23, 2018

Fundamental Stock Question

Hey all,

I’m an avid stock market follower but for some reason this basic answer is stumping me.

Suppose Johnny wants to buy Stock A, but Stock A costs like $540. Johnny only has $2160 and wants to get way more than just 4 shares.

What’s the name of the derivative that is basically a contract pegged to that stock that’s 1% of it’s total value? Like instead of $540, he can pay $5.40 and if it goes to $580, his shares would be worth $5.80 each and he could sell for $0.40/per.

If there isn’t a derivative like that already in existence, why not? Regulatory issues? Lack of interest? Logistical problems?

I figured with all the options and derivatives we have these days, this would be a rather popular option to offer.

I guess one would need to make it an ETP, then let it trade like a futures contract, right? Or possibly a market maker could simply “fund” the creation of such an option and once enough players entered the given market for that contract, it would buy/sell on its own right?

I figured this would be most akin to an ETP, but it seems like ETPs are pegged exclusively to a fund of some sort or in the rare nuanced cases, some measure of an index (S&P500) like the VIX.

Could I create the “StockAoption” and “InverseStockAOption” for this?

Just spitballing here. Any and all responses/feedback would be appreciated.

Submitted February 23, 2018 at 06:07PM by Randomshortdude

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