Friday, August 31, 2018

Political Bais and Crystal Balls

DISCLAIMER This isn’t a pro Trump post, I’m just stating a pattern I’m seeing.

Ever since the president started the tariffs 6 months ago everyone has been pretty chicken little about it. Sure it could cause a downturn but the full effects are yet to happen so that remains unknown. But every time a news story about this drops the comments are always about how we’re going to repeat 2008 or how the next one will be a depression and people believe it. What kind of crystal balls do they have? It is impossible to know the severity of a recession before it even happens but these guys don’t want to hear it, because everyone who brings that point up gets downvoted to oblivion. It’s almost like their hatred for the president is doing the thinking for them, kind of like how people who hated Obama to this degree were certain of hyperinflation and economic collapse earlier in the decade. It’s like if you have a strong political bias you’re confident in the economic situation that fits your narrative despite reality almost never going that route.

Submitted August 31, 2018 at 06:55AM by PartyElevator

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