Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Don't trade just to trade

Moves like this only come along every few years, and you most likely want a piece of the action. It's very doable, but sometimes sitting on the sidelines and observing is your best bet. Sure you can go have a pint, and wait till this all blows over but that won't help you next time we have an environment like this.

We all have our different trading styles and strategies so I can't tell you what to do or not to do, but even if you aren't trading, you should at least watch and learn.

Cash by close is your best bet if you day trade like me. The only things I've been holding overnight have been SPX and NDX call spreads from last thursday.

Today was a quick AMZN scalp within the first 30 mins, some 480 puts for +$2 on 10 contracts. I also entered some PCLN 1200 puts up here at 1220. Ill be out of those by the end of the day, win or lose.

Stick to your trading style and learn a few things in this crazy market. If this suits your style, go get em. If not, sit back and learn.

Stay profitable

edit: and it looks like its going to be a win on those PCLN puts. 5 contracts from $13.80 out at $17.25

Submitted August 25, 2015 at 12:05PM by TheFadedBull http://ift.tt/1MREojx

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