Thursday, August 16, 2018

The stock, bond, and currency markets are the biggest casinos in the world where everyone steps in to make their bets. Trillions of dollars worth of bets all over the world. Of course it's a game. For every winner there's a loser and vice versa.

But just like any game you gotta learn the rules of the game, then learn the tricks of the game, then master the game. To get good in any game we play we must practice alot. And that includes the stock, bond, and currency market game. We must practice hundreds if not thousands of hours to be the best at it.

If you don't think the market is manipulated with Trillions of dollars on the line then you're still living in Disneyland in your head.

Don't hate the game, play the game knowing it's one big ass game where the rich folk, the regular folk, and everybody else in between steps up to place their bets.

Yesterday's Open Positions

  1. Short VIX Calls: Closed Today (10% Gain)
  2. Long XOP Calls: Closed Today (38% Gain)
  3. Long GDX Calls: Still Open

Current Short Term Outlook:

  1. Bullish Volatility
  2. Bullish Gold Miners

Current Open Positions:

  1. Long VIX Calls Sept-19th-12 (2.80 Cost)
  2. Long GDX Calls Sept-21st-20 (.69 Average Cost Basis)

Submitted August 16, 2018 at 10:02PM by JayFig_The_Trader

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