Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Apologies to whomever was asking about $FIT a couple days ago.

I previously owned this stock and I want to apologize to another reddit user whom I discouraged from purchasing this stock. It is ridiculously cheap and oversold. Fitbit ads are popping up in a lot of places so this company is obviously putting up a fight rather than rolling over and taking it like gopro. Fit carries very little debt and has plenty of cash on hand, so I feel like they have an image problem. Everytime I see an ad of there's (I think most recently during Monday Night Football but dont remember to be honest) they begin to brand themselves. This may be a breakthrough stock in 2017, we shall see, but the price makes it extremely attractive.

Submitted December 20, 2016 at 11:29AM by plumpilicious http://ift.tt/2hEjFGj

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