Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Can someone help me with technicals?

I am not sure how to confirm the accuracy of the data but I need to for a project. Can someone help me figure out if the below tickers triggered their respective technical indicators based on yesterdays data?

Technical: SMA 10 day crossover


 EMA 10 day CVX,AAPL,NVDA,ANET,XOM,WCN,AFL,VLO WMA 10 day BIIB,ULTA,SPY,FB,AAPL,JNJ,UHS,PEP,NVDA,BG MACD 10 day/20 day crossover IDXG,AES,MCK,GNC,INTC,PM,M,FE,TLT,ALXN CCI 14 day hit 100 or -100 MS,KEY,CHK,VNCE Awesome oscillator 0 line crossover JPM,COP,AWH,ORCL,LW,CF,VXX,GLW,FCX,PIR 

sorry about the formatting, new to reddit and copied some of this from an email thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted December 21, 2016 at 12:39PM by note7crater

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