Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Smaller Stock Exchanges

About me. I'm 18 on a working holiday to NZ as a gap year before university. This is my time to learn as much as possible and have nothing to lose. So might as well invest, try my hand at the stock market, see how I like it. I've read a couple of books on financial literacy and stock market investing, however...

They all focus on big markets like NYSE. The NZX is way smaller and I'm finding it extremely difficult to analyze stocks (mainly compare them to competitors). E.g. The only telecommunications stock in the NZX is Spark, though they have 2 major competitors in NZ. How am I supposed to compare Spark and tell if it's a good investment or not? (this is just an example, but it's a similar situation with many other industries).

Submitted December 28, 2016 at 09:23AM by Fearghas2011

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