Sunday, November 25, 2018

The case for, and against, Apple.

As we all know, Apple's share price has recently taken a dive. Will this dip continue. I don't know.

I see another possible dip towards $167 tomorrow. How low it goes after that depends on a few things in my opinion.

If holiday sales reports aren't favorable, this will dip further. Other catalysts for a dip include the announcement of continuing interest rate hikes by the Fed and negative news out of the G20 Summit at the end of the week.

It's possible we could see sub-$140 prices in a worst case scenario....with the stock essentially trading flat over the next ten months.

If, on the other hand, we see positive reports with regards to holiday sales, a pause on interest rate hikes, and positive news regarding US-China trade relations out of the G20 Summit, then this could be on the way back towards $200+.

A mixture of positive and negative news will keep it where it's at with dips and rises along the way. As of right now, I believe holiday sales reports (specifically to Apple) will be vague and have very little effect on the stock.

I think the Fed, and more specifically Chairman Powell, will stick to their plan and continue to raise rates (once more this year, and 2, maybe 3 times during the first 9 months of 2019).

US-China trade relations will bring in the normal positive-negative news cycle. That being said, unless Trump and Xi are making a deal on their own (which I doubt), I don't see a trade agreement taking place in the near future. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Submitted November 25, 2018 at 09:49AM by zenitron

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