Friday, November 30, 2018

Why is GM's P/E Ratio so High?

GM's P/E ratio is 78 compared to Ford's P/E ratio at 6. Is growth from electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles pushing it this high? Or what?

"The primary risk today for GM stock is that these forecasts assume commercial deployments will occur on time. As Mike Ramsey, a lead author on the Gartner report points out, even if GM and Waymo continue to debut driverless minivans or launch ride-hailing fleets, commercial deployments won’t be ready anytime soon. For example, the 2019 Audi A8 with Traffic Jam Assist with Level 3 partial automation, which has been anticipated for some time, has extended it's release date another year due to foggy federal regulatory framework, infrastructural differences, and a lack of consumer understanding of self-driving technology."

Submitted November 30, 2018 at 12:27PM by techpreneur_13

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