Sunday, September 30, 2018

Anybody wants to know more about Iran's current Stock Market?

hi guys i'm from Iran and i want to explain the current situation of Iran's stock market, right know our currency (Rial) has lost lots of it's value compared to foreign currencies. for example a few months ago an employee's average monthly income was nearly 250-300 $ but right know it's something around 75-90 $.

despite that, our stock market has seen it's biggest growth in these few months. there are stocks that have given more than 150% profit only in one month! (check this stock for example)

just take a look at our heatmap to see how it goes, almost all the stocks are green!

the cool thing is most of these give a maximum of 10% profit per day, there are some other risky stocks that even give +48% profit in just one day. this situation has caused all the people to bring their money in stock market and therefore our stock market index is rising more and more each day.

Thank you for reading this, i just wanted to spread some information!

Submitted September 30, 2018 at 08:10AM by Silence_and_i

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