Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Thoughts on $ETFC

Hey all,

I'm wanting to pick your brains on E-Trade stock. I could see "bargain" investment firms gaining popularity with the rise of popularity in free trading platforms such as Robinhood (along with the growing frustrations revolving around these free platforms).

On the other hand, I think we could see other big, higher-end firms enter the bargain trading market as well, much like JPM did recently with their move to a limited number of free trades.

Last point based on fundamentals, $ETFC has earnings coming up and have took a big hit in the last month or so with most of its history looking strong. This recent dip may potentially be a little too big of a reaction from the market?

What're yall's thoughts?

Submitted September 26, 2018 at 12:38AM by ForHondor

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