Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Is double dipping in your portfolio necessarily a bad thing?

Howdy relatively inexperienced investor here using M1. I have my portfolio broken into 3 catagories, 45% big market funds like SPY500, 45% into big companies with good growth that I personally believe in like AMD, Netflix, and Apple, then finally 10% in Marijuana stocks because YOLO.

Anyway, I know big funds like Spy500 and QQQ are already made up of stocks like apple and Microsoft. I like having the bug funds for stability, but the individual stocks have gotten better overall growth. Is it unusual to double dip like that? Recommendations on what to do different?

I've got the same situation in my MJ stocks too.. a large chunk of that is the $MJ fund, then also individual holdings for CGC, TLRY, and others in smaller amounts.

Submitted September 26, 2018 at 01:43PM by bstephe123283

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