Thursday, September 27, 2018

BlackBerry Earnings- A New Hope

Post got blacklisted on wsb it seems, so here’s this:

BlackBerry. You haven’t seen their phones around in 12 years so they must be a shit company, right?

Maybe. I don’t know.

But what I DO know is that they stopped manufacturing handsets after getting their dicks stomped by Apple and Android in a market BB basically created.

Since the cock stomping, they have pivoted towards one of the juiciest market segments out there right now: the Software Services industry (SaaS). They are riding the ~Internet of Things~ buzzword (creating their coined Enterprise of Things), and hired a real gunslinger in 2013 to switch things up. The CEO is on the board of Disney and Wells Fargo.

With said gunslinger, they have sold and implemented their proprietary EoT software to:

-100% of Fortune 100 commercial banking firms

-100% of Fortune 100 aero/def firms

-100% of Fortune 100 media/entertainment firms

-88% of Fortune 100 medical firms

-77% of Fortune 100 insurance firms

-motherfuckin NVDA

This was all cemented on the Q1 CC, and the stock dropped from $11->sub $10...

I think BB is due for an inevitable return on the SaaS front, the question is... does it start tomorrow?

Only hold ups would be that BB sued FB a while back for taking BBMessenger’s IP for WhatsApp and FBM. FB has now countersued, which doesn’t look good.


With BB having their teeth deeply sunk into the enterprise software market with a growing market share v. IBM/MSFT, I believe we will see them become fruitful this quarter or at least by end of FY19.

Even if the financials aren’t good this Q, we should see some extremely positive guidance unless the FB bullshit is causing them to hemorrhage cash.

I will be instancing vertical debit spreads on BB (long $10, Short $11, exp 11/2) at 3:45pm. Definitely want to fix risk/eliminate Theta&IV here with the off-chance that this has somehow been an earnings run-up.

Thoughts? I’d love an inverse opinion here bc my DD has me noticeably overconfident.

Submitted September 27, 2018 at 01:56PM by dscg24

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