Thursday, November 8, 2018

SERIOUS What are some trading related problems that you have?

I wrote (free my nibba) Shkreli a letter asking him for advice. The motherfucker told me to forget about stocks and focus on building a business that solves problems. I don't get a lot of advice from millionaires, but when I do, I listen. I am a CS major concentrating on software engineering and I'll be fucked in the ass before I spend my time trying to impress some HR faggot just to squeeze into a junior dev position making 60k a year.

So, what are some problems that you guys have when it comes to trading? What are some problems in the finance industry that you know of? I want to solve some problems.

Submitted November 08, 2018 at 11:13AM by FreakingOutTheNGHBRD

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