Thursday, November 8, 2018

Stocks have one quarter left and then we're going to hit a wall

I am going to throw out my investment thesis and would love to see what you guys think. Essentially, I think we have one (maybe two) quarter(s) left of relatively smooth sailing. My assumption is that earnings releases will be a net positive in the market until the end of this year (reported in Q1 next year) due to the lingering benefits of the corporate tax cuts.

However, once earnings are once again compared on an apples-to-apples basis next year, equity markets will struggle. Moreover, the economy and corporate earnings will face significant headwinds due to rising interest rates. My thoughts are a bit more fleshed out in this article.

So, knock my thesis down or let me know if you agree. I am putting money into this investment thesis, so I appreciate anything that challenges my assumptions. Thanks in advance!

Submitted November 08, 2018 at 08:58AM by abasoglu

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