Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wheres best place to inform investors of eBay & information on their stock report?

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but if this is not correct, please let me know where I should post!

I normally don't get involved in stock market issues, but I do work for a company who is a top seller on eBay. I am wondering the best place to actually share "true" information about what is actually happening on eBay. The reason I come here for this, is because after this last year, and some of the things I have learned, the ONLY way for these problems to be repaired, is if they are exposed & recognized.

The last few reports on stocks have been, to say the least, extremely misleading.

For those of us who work with eBay directly, there's been an extreme amount of warning signs, furthermore potentially overstepping the law.

Beyond misleading reports... From technical bugs that affect buyers & sellers lives that were not fixed for over a year, breaking written policies... to outright throttling of certain sellers, to the CFO admitting favoring certain brands (and I would point out, it may be helpful to research what board members might be heavily invested in to some of these companies), to policies that directly support fraudulent activity on the site as long as eBay is paid in the end, to the "Top Seller Market Share" plummeting over 30% in one year alone.

They have been taking steps to hide this data, as they have purchased Terapeak, which is a research data website, they are now removing this information to hide evidence of this activity. How I mentioned the top seller market share plummeting? That information was from Terapeak. As soon as it started to become more well known in the eBay community, eBay began making changes for it to be harder to find that information in Terapeak.

I have done a lot of research & gathered a lot of data regarding this, and most importantly, I believe investors have no idea of this activity going on.

If anyone has any idea of the best place I could write up a good long article/post regarding this, please let me know.

Submitted November 01, 2018 at 07:35PM by SpyridonZ

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